A Message from Frontline Advocates at POV: An Action and An Ask

Dear Friend,

Last week six POV staff and survivors mobilized with hundreds of advocates and activists to rally on the steps of the California Capitol, urging Governor Newsom and legislators to include funding in the upcoming state budget to support critical services for victims of crime (VOCA), in particular sexual assault and domestic violence survivors. Standing together, they made their voices heard and demanded that elected leadership support victim/survivors by supporting our critical services with funding to replace the federal cuts.

We are doing everything we can to try to maintain our funding and we are optimistic that we are being heard and hope to see results of our advocacy soon. There is a glimmer of hope. The California Legislature has included $103 million in ongoing funding in their budget. We need your help in making this funding final. Governor Newsom must agree and sign the money into the final budget; we have 2 days left to influence final budget negotiations!

Contact Governor Newsom at this link or call his office directly at (916) 445-2841 now using this sample script.

The system of response and care that we have built over five decades is being threatened by devastating federal funding cuts. Programs that serve victims of child abuse, sexual assault, rape, domestic violence and human trafficking are danger of being severely curtailed or even eliminated! POV is facing a $1.6 million budget cut; this is a 47% funding reduction and will have a devastating impact on our work. We have already suffered cuts and have had to reduce our legal staff and put a hold on hiring new staff.

We need to reach out to everyone we know - our allies, upstanders, friends, donors, Board members, supporters, and our statewide coalitions - to act in solidarity with POV and sexual assault and domestic violence victim/survivors. Please share this information with everyone you know too!

Take action now: contact the governor and stretch your dollars with a donation today.

Quotes from POV frontline staff:

Please join us in making a difference in the lives of survivors and take action now.

In community,

Your friends at Peace Over Violence