Hate Thy Neighbor: Online Hate in Local Communities
Researchers at the ADL Center for Technology and Society found that some Facebook groups have become toxic sites of harassment, particularly identity-based harassment against Jews and others seen as outsiders to longstanding communities. The new ADL report dives into several incidents, including one in a suburban county where neighbors organized against a growing Orthodox Jewish community.
And as the report notes, the antisemitic themes and harassment didn’t remain online... In a series of incidents, the tires of cars parked at Jewish homes were slashed — 57 sets in all, only in front of houses with mezuzot — and a dead pig was left on a rabbi’s porch.
The report includes recommendations for tech companies and the government. ADL has a guide for victims of online hate, including what you should report and how you should report it to platforms like Facebook.
Earlier this week, ADL filed a formal complaint against Jewish Voice for Peace’s (JVP) political fundraising arm alleging multiple violations of campaign finance laws and regulations. JVP is a fringe anti-Israel group dedicated to the elimination of the state of Israel as a Jewish state and has been involved in recent campus protests.
“Simply put, JVP PAC’s numbers do not add up,” said Steven C. Sheinberg, ADL Chief Legal Officer. “A significant majority of the PAC’s spending did not go to candidates or have any apparent direct connection to a federal campaign. The public deserves to know where this money is going, and the Federal Election Commission must hold JVP PAC accountable for violations of the law.”
Northwestern University President Michael Schill has fallen short at the most important part of his job: keeping all students safe. As ADL’s David Goldenberg points out, President Schill ignored concerns from Jewish students and when an anti-Israel encampment went up, his refusal to act essentially allowed Jewish students to be subjected to antisemitic harassment and intimidation on a daily basis without protection.
Read Goldenberg’s full op-ed here, then take action: urge Northwestern President Schill to resign.
It shouldn’t have taken until protestors stormed, occupied and vandalized the President’s office with violent graffiti before Stanford University
took action against those who violated the school’s policies. But ADL thanks the administration and law enforcement for acting decisively in the end. Over a dozen of those who occupied Stanford President Richard Saller’s office were arrested, the university announced the removal of the campus encampment and they condemned threatening graffiti on walls of university buildings that included the messages “De@th 2 Isr@hell,” “Kill Cops” and “School $$$ Is Blood $$$.” Read more news coverage.
We asked Jewish college students to share their stories with us, and now we are sharing their videos with you. As antisemitism surges across the U.S., student safety on campus is critical. What we are seeing on many campuses are not peaceful protests, but rather conduct that is harassing, intimidating, and interfering with the operation of the university — depriving students of their education.
Here is one of the #StudentVoicesAgainstAntisemitism. #NotOnMyCampus
Antisemitism’s Impact on the Young:
In a new resource from ADL and the Association of Jewish Psychologists, we provide guidance for parents, families and other trusted adults in young people’s lives to have conversations that can help these youths cope with the impact of experiencing antisemitism at school. Many students who are Jewish feel unsafe, afraid, vulnerable, excluded and isolated. Find out how to recognize indicators of stress reactions, and how you can provide support.
“The Things Not Being Said at Protests”:
“What is not said tells us almost as much as what is said about the nature of these protests. Imagine the sympathy the protestors could have garnered had they pushed for the release of the hostages and demanded that the parties engage immediately in negotiations toward a two-state solution. They apparently can’t bring themselves to do that, even with all the public opinion potential, because their goal is very different.”
Read this insightful op-ed from ADL’s Ken Jacobson about the real objectives and missed opportunities of the recent anti-Israel demonstrations.
What Happened at “People’s Conference for Palestine”:
As the event got underway in Detroit, the packed audience cheered as Palestinian Youth Movement organizer Mohammed Nabulsi opened by offering “salutations to our people in Palestine and to our noble, steadfast Resistance.” Nabulsi garnered enthusiastic applause when he called to “liberate every inch of Palestine, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.” Sessions were rife with support for U.S.-designated terror groups and the October 7 attack, anti-Zionist rhetoric and classic antisemitic tropes.
Read more about the hate-filled event from the ADL Center on Extremism.
Make your voice heard! Urge Congress to Protect Jewish Students on Campus.
Jewish students have been experiencing rising antisemitism for too long. After Oct. 7, reports skyrocketed. The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) enforces civil rights laws, including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination in programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance. OCR is grappling with the most complaints in their history, including more than 100 Title VI investigations since Oct. 7 with cases raising concern regarding discriminatory harassment of Jewish students on campus. Tell key Members of the Appropriations Committee to provide the highest possible funding to OCR so that it has the
resources to protect the safety and civil rights of every student.
The @ADL_tracker feed of news and developments in antisemitism activities.