![]() Patriot, Thanks to your continuous pressure, we have begun to turn the tide in Washington on the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). You and I successfully halted every statist attempt to impose the CBDC, even stopping earmarks that would have funded research into its implementation. Now, we’ve successfully passed an outright BAN on the Central Bank Digital Currency in the U.S. House. But we are now less than five months from the November 2024 election, which means Congress is anxious to change their focus. This means you and I must keep the pressure high in the Senate to push H.R. 5403 through as quickly as possible. The topic has already had multiple hearings in both chambers of Congress. Everybody knows what the CBDC is and why it is dangerous: A “digital dollar”
controlled by the government would give them total surveillance and control over what you spend. . . They would know the causes you support, what you buy, and how much you drive from place to place to get there. Just imagine what the globalists would be able to do if they could identify your “carbon footprint,” your firearm purchases, and your political affiliations. But if we keep constant pressure on the U.S. Senate, we can get a vote on H.R. 5403. Even if you’ve contacted them before, keep the pressure up and tell your U.S. Senators: BAN the CBDC! ![]() We’ve already built up the momentum by passing it in the House. We must keep it going and get it through the Senate, too. If enacted, H.R. 5403 would: >> Prohibit the Federal Reserve from issuing CBDCs or anything substantially similar, under any other name or label, directly to an individual; >> Prohibit the Fed from indirectly issuing a CBDC; >> Prohibit the Fed from using a CBDC for monetary policy; >> Prohibit the Board of Governors of the Fed from issuing a CBDC; >> And it includes clear language that this does not apply to open, permissionless, private currencies (i.e. crypto). Patriot, it really is simple: There is no need whatsoever for a Central Bank Digital Currency. You and I know what the global drive to CBDCs is really all about. . . Government tyrants want a currency they can monitor, profile you with, and
if needed, confiscate from you with the push of a button. They want the ability to spend and spend on every boondoggle and bailout put in front of them, without the "hindrance" of the Fed actually having to print the paper dollars they create out of thin air. And they want to make their well-connected elitist friends richer while you and I suffer from the resulting toxic inflationary prices. Even if you’ve contacted them on this before, take a moment right now to tell your U.S. Senators to support H.R. 5403 to BAN the CBDC. ![]() If possible, after you’ve sent your directive, please make a contribution to Campaign for Liberty to keep raising the pressure to defend and restore sound money in America. With your help, we can continue to mobilize more Americans and turn up the pressure in the U.S. Senate to finally ban the CBDC. Can you give a gift of $25, $50, or even $100 today? Campaign for Liberty uses your support not only to reach and rally more patriots, but to mobilize and pressure key members of Congress, not just in Washington but in their home districts. So whether you can give $10, $25, $50, $100, $500, or $1,000 to help us keep up the fight, your support will make a difference. This Central Bank Digital Currency will allow the statists to see every transaction you make. They’ll even be able to decide whether it’s appropriate or not. It’s an Orwellian nightmare. For our freedom, for our children and grandchildren’s freedom . . . I hope you’ll help us see this battle through to victory. For Liberty, ![]() John McCardell P.S. With your help, we’ve taken the fight to the big banksters and globalists pushing for an Orwellian spy currency. We’re past just getting a roll call vote . . . we’ve passed the bill in the House. Now it’s on to the Senate – contact your U.S. Senators NOW! And if possible, please chip in and help Campaign for Liberty win this epic battle against the forces of monetary tyranny. ![]() If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a
monthly contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. The mission of
Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free
markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |