Fellow Republican,
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers during this challenging time. We’ll get through this crisis together and when it’s over, Arizonans will be leading the charge to make and keep America great by following the free enterprise principles that have never let us down.
In times like these, it’s important for us to stand together as one nation. Thankfully, we have strong leadership from President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Senator McSally who are doing their best to protect both our citizens and our economy.
Once this crisis passes…. and it will pass…. we must be prepared to continue to defend our leaders and our way of life.
Your support is a source of inspiration to me as your Republican Party of Arizona Chairwoman.
But the upcoming elections aren’t going to be won easily! We’re getting stronger by the day, and we’ll be even stronger with you on our team!
Activate your 2020 Digital Membership with your contribution today to help us grow our Party tomorrow and through November.
I look forward to hearing from you!