Dear John,
Right now, there’s a war waging over our culture. And many of us feel like we can’t make a difference in this fight.
But that is the furthest thing from the truth.
A group of everyday Americans are taking a stand for faith. And you can join them.
First Liberty is leading the charge with a new initiative to mobilize and equip people in their 20’s to 40’s to fight for religious liberty in their communities and across the nation.
We call it, the Future of Faith and Freedom or F3. F3 is dedicated to helping these up-and-coming generations learn how they can move the needle for faith in an impactful and meaningful way.
This groundbreaking initiative is designed to educate, inform, and mobilize rising leaders about their religious freedom rights, empowering them to bring about a positive impact in their communities and beyond.
Listen to F3 Leaders Nathan Shackelford and Shaun Frederickson explain this growing movement and how it will shape our nation for generations to come.

The F3 initiative is not just focused on learning about religious freedom – its’ about taking action and making a difference.
It’s about leading the charge and securing the Future of Faith and Freedom in America.
But for this movement to take off, we need your help and support to spread the word about this hope-filled initiative.
Will you help First Liberty grow the F3 movement and secure the future of religious liberty?