Tell the Bureau of Land Management to protect sagebrush habitat to save the Greater Sage-Grouse.
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National Audubon Society
Action Alert
Protect Habitat for Greater Sage-Grouse Before It's Too Late
Photo of a male Greater Sage-Grouse.
Only one week left: Tell the Bureau of Land Management to protect sagebrush habitat to save the Greater Sage-Grouse.
Take Action
Greater Sage-Grouse.
Dear Audubon Advocate,

Greater Sage-Grouse populations have declined 80 percent since 1965. More than 17,000 Audubon supporters have spoken out to secure better protections for the sagebrush habitat that sustains this species—join them by taking action today!

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is requesting public input as they work to finalize management plans for more than 67 million acres of public lands where most of the sage-grouse live, along with more than 350 plants and animals of conservation concern that also depend on healthy sagebrush-steppe habitat.

Please take a moment to submit your comment: Urge the BLM to implement science-based management plans to protect the sagebrush ecosystem for Greater Sage-Grouse. The deadline to comment is NEXT THURSDAY, June 13th.

The fragmentation and degradation of the sagebrush ecosystem is not only hurting sage-grouse, but other threatened wildlife and communities that depend on it. Efforts should be focused on protecting the last, best remaining intact sagebrush habitat—such as the Golden Triangle in Wyoming, portions of the High Divide along the Idaho/Montana border, and Bear River Valley areas in Utah—as these can’t be replaced.

After a decades-long planning effort, the BLM must swiftly adopt science-based solutions so that attention can refocus on the implementation of conservation actions before it is too late. Send your comment today urging the BLM to use the latest science on climate change and the population needs of Greater Sage-Grouse to guide management.

These public lands are the legacy we will hand to future generations, let’s make sure we can be proud of them.
Thank you,
Alison Holloran
Vice President and Executive Director
Audubon Rockies
Take Action
Photo: Evan Barrientos/Audubon Rockies
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