When I first heard about COVID-19, my first thought was how sad I was for all the people who are still incarcerated. My second thought was panic.
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John —
I spent 14 years in prison, including a decade on death row, after a wrongful conviction for a double murder. I’ve been free since I was exonerated in 2018 with the help of the Innocence Project. When I first heard about COVID-19, my first thought was how sad I was for all the people who are still incarcerated. My second thought was panic.
This pandemic affects us all. But it affects us — the exonerees — in a different way. You have to think twice about having to go outside because you do not want to get sick; many of us do not have health insurance. Things like food, medicine and even cleaning supplies can become impossible to get.
If you can afford a donation of any amount to the Innocence Project’s Exoneree Fund, it will help exonerees like me during this hard time. ([link removed])
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Exonerated people walk out of prison with no compensation — and that’s where the Innocence Project’s Exoneree Fund comes in to pay for basic necessities like food, clothing, shelter and medical care.
During this pandemic, even a few dollars can help cover the costs of masks, gloves, Tylenol and more. ([link removed]) It may be insignificant for others, but for exonerees it means a lot during what is a very, very tough time for all.
Thank you for doing what you can, and stay healthy,
Clemente Aguirre-Jardin
Exonerated 2018
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The Innocence Project exonerates the wrongly convicted through DNA testing and reforms the criminal justice system to prevent future injustice.
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