You being part of Extinction Rebellion is the best chance we have to challenge and hold the right people accountable

Hi John,


Appreciate Extinction Rebellion volunteers and activists today. Join us in thanking everyone making actions, like Restore Nature Now, a reality!


On 22 June, local groups from across regions and nations are rallying together. You will see nature taking to the streets in ways like never seen before. This is Extinction Rebellion. Be proud to be among us.

An image of protestors on an Extinction Rebellion march

Whatever you can donate will recognise that the amazing contributions people make every single day to XRUK, is not priceless! Without our volunteers and activists, XRUK would look very different.


Together, we've been turning ideas into actions since 2018. We create awesome things to wear, climb, hold, wave and even drop. And we plan the logistics for stewards, speakers, bands and choirs to come together with thousands more rebels to unite, demand action and achieve change!


We need your support to help with the what's next - do you think Restore Nature Now is our only action planned?

There's a date you cannot miss! Keep your diary free from 30 August until 1 September. More information will come.


Right now, your donation will help towards planning the biggest mass occupation yet. We cannot rise as strong without you. Are you with us?

With our love, together we rage!
XR UK Fundraising Team


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