Fay Twersky, president and director of the Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation, and cohost Sarah Rosen Wartell discuss rebuilding trust in institutions, designing effective philanthropic programming, and empowering communities to shape their own future. Listen and subscribe today.
As conversations about artificial intelligence (AI) grew, the Urban Institute began considering how to integrate generative AI tools into our research and operations. In March, we began to pilot seven tools.
The pilot aims to understand and evaluate how emerging technologies store, use, and transfer data and whether those risks are acceptable. How could this approach help Urban and other organizations implement safer, more effective, and more equitable AI tools?
Urban plans to run the pilot through the end of the year and green-light tools that demonstrate they sufficiently improve the quality or efficiency of work relative to cost and improve employees’ experience without reducing their autonomy or sense of self-worth.
Urban researchers are exploring how AI can increase upward mobility—and how it can entrench discrimination and generate misinformation. See our carefully considered, data-driven research on this emerging technology.