Polluters have us outgunned 10 to 1 - but you can help even the odds With your help, we can finally turn the toxic tide As the 2024 elections near, VoteWater is working to identify clean-water candidates, track “dirty money” and provide you with the info you need to demand cleaner water and political accountability. But we’re outgunned. For every dollar we spend, Big Sugar, the “sprawl” industry and other polluters spend thousands. If we spend $1,000, they spend $1 million — on political contributions, lobbyists, consultants and more. You can help even the odds. By donating to VoteWater, or by becoming a member, you help us aim higher, hit harder and make waves. There are many environmental groups in Florida, but most are 501(c)(3) organizations — meaning they can’t get involved in politics. But VoteWater, as a 501(c)(4), can endorse candidates; we can dig into campaign finance and expose the link between “dirty money” and dirty water. And we can push to generate the political will necessary for lasting change. Your support is crucial to this campaign. Without you, things will never change. But WITH you — we can turn the toxic tide. Please consider a donation to VoteWater today — and thanks. DONATE BECOME A MEMBER VoteWater 3727 SE Ocean Blvd Suite 200-A Stuart, FL 34996 | (772) 212-2939 VoteWater | 3727 SE Ocean Blvd Suite 200-A | Stuart, FL 34996 US Unsubscribe | Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice