Be part of the transformation. Be part of the future.

Join us in the final weeks of Identity’s Transformational Campaign to support ambitious growth and innovation to increase our impact, meet our infrastructure needs and guarantee viability in the event of a crisis. 

This is different from giving to a traditional capital campaign. We are asking you to join more than 100 friends of Identity to expand our most effective social emotional, academic, workforce and safety net programs, innovate new programs in response to emerging concerns (i.e. increased substance use and school disconnection) and renovate a new headquarters and community center that offers easy access to support and a sense of belonging.

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Muchas gracias for investing in the promise of Latino and other historically underserved youth and for breaking down barriers to achievement and connection and nurturing hope! 

Identity youth report real improvements in their ability to resolve conflict, speak up for themselves, and connect to school, jobs and the community. Annual evaluation reports show improved school attendance and academic achievement.

Families report increased stability, improved trust and communication and more involvement in their children’s lives and in civic life after participating in our programs.​

Copyright © 2024 Identity, All rights reserved.
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415 East Diamond Avenue
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877

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