More than a hundred pilot whales and dolphins have been brutally slaughtered during the annual grindadráp hunt in the Faroe Islands already - and hundreds more face the same violent fate.
But we can stop this needless killing spree.
There’s loads of international pressure already on the Faroese government to end this brutal practice – and now residents are saying they have had enough.
Here’s the thing. The last public poll was back in 2021. A lot has changed. Still, the government claims that the people want to keep the hunts going. With your help, we can commission a new independent poll, then campaign to ramp up local pressure on key decision-makers until we stop the hunt forever.
Tell the Faroe Islands: stop the whale slaughter!
Even a local MP admits the hunts are “legal but not popular” – but each year the ocean turns red from the blood of slaughtered whales and dolphins.
There is no humane way to kill whales and dolphins. They are highly intelligent and empathetic animals with strong social bonds. They feel distress, fear and pain and this hunt is a nightmare for them: they’re chased by boats before hooks are driven into their thick slippery skins to drag them to shore. There they are paralyzed by a large metal spike in their spine and then hacked to death as people watch. All the while, these animals' family members thrash about in blood-soaked waters, anticipating their own painful deaths.
All this is supposedly in the service of providing locally sourced food. But whale meat is simply no longer a main part of the local diet. High levels of methylmercury found in whale meat make it almost toxic to consume. The Faroe Islands’ own Department of Health advises against eating it more than once a month – and women and children shouldn’t consume it at all.
With local opposition at an all-time high, and health concerns rising, this is our chance to make the Faroese government feel the heat at home.
Tell the Faroe Islands: stop the whale slaughter!
In a world where whales and dolphins are already grappling with the effects of the climate crisis, polluted habitats, and noisy seas interfering with their ability to navigate and communicate, these hunts are a senseless injustice.
We’ve come out in droves to protect whales before, successfully getting SeaWorld to drop its orca captivity program. Together, we can keep these beautiful creatures in the sea where they belong.