Mises Institute
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
The Lesson of the Trump Conviction
Connor O'Keeffe
The case against Donald Trump was utterly ridiculous. Yet he was convicted anyway. Opponents of the political establishment need to understand why.
Debunking Robert Reich’s Debunking
Jonathan Newman
Robert Reich is an economic fallacy machine, and he has begun a ten-week series in which he claims to debunk economic myths. Of course, to do so, he has to create economic myths and present them as factual.
No, Mises Was not Wrong about the Middle of the Road
Ludwig von Mises was ridiculed for his assertion that “middle of the road” leads to socialism in the end.
Bacon’s Rebellion
Almost all revolutions — European or American — are ignited by new acts of oppression by the government.
Tucker Carlson’s Guests Keep Bringing up the Mises Institute
Austrian economics and the Mises Institute have come up in Tucker Carlson's interviews with three different guests over the past few months, and instead of being critical or dismissive, Carlson was open to the ideas.
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Distinguishing Libertarian Philosophy from Political Strategy
What makes a libertarian society libertarian? Certainly, one must begin not only with the nonaggression principle, but also with the unequivocal protection of private property rights.
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Does Increasing the Money Supply also Increase Economic Growth?
Keynesian economists believe that the key to increasing economic growth is increasing the supply of money in circulation. Money, however, is a means of exchange, not a means of payments.
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What is Economics?
Economics does not tell us what any individual should do.
How Inflation Destroys Civilization
Inflation doesn’t only make us poorer. It harms our culture, mental well-being, and the moral foundations of civilization itself.
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