Campaign Update April 14, 2020
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A newsletter of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action, an initiative of AARP Foundation, AARP, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. 
April 14, 2020

Send shout-outs, story ideas, and webinar information to Aidan McCallion at [email protected].


National Public Health Week: Celebrating 25 Years

National Public Health Week just ended, but the challenge of COVID-19 highlights the importance of the focus on public health.  For its 25th year, the week’s theme was “Looking Back, Moving Forward,” as the American Public Health Association urges everyone year-round to honor this ideal: Everyone deserves to live a long and healthy life in a safe environment. 

Learn how to celebrate safely
NPHW 2020: Thank you the public health professionals for protecting the community and sharing the facts about COVID-19

Campaign News and Features

Campaign Lists Ways to Help, Stay Informed About COVID-19

The Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action website now offers a resources page with information for both nurses and the public about the novel coronavirus. Among features: Leading nursing organizations seek information from nurses and offer health suggestions, while trusted health authorities tell the public how to support nurses, and stay safe. 

Learn more, share resources
Two nurses, in PPE, helping a patient

WHO: World Needs 6 Million More Nurses

Last week, in time for World Health Day on April 7, the World Health Organization published its first ever assessment of the nursing workforce in all countries. State of the World’s Nursing 2020: Investing in Education, Jobs and Leadership finds much to celebrate but also quantifies the needs, including a shortfall of nearly 6 million nurses.

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Nurse, with arms crosed, stands in front of rest of her team

As Overload of Patients Is Anticipated, AARP Speaks Up

As more Americans are infected with the novel coronavirus, ethical decisions on treatment are being anticipated and weighed. “Using age or disability to categorically exclude people from accessing treatment would be discriminatory, and AARP opposes it,” reads a statement from AARP. The Campaign is an initiative of AARP Foundation, AARP, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. 

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CMS Issues New Infection Control Guidance to Protect Against COVID-19 

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued a series of updated guidance documents focused on infection control to prevent the spread of the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in inpatient and outpatient care settings. The guidance, based on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines, are meant to help ensure infection control in the context of patient triage, screening and treatment, the use of alternate testing and treatment sites and telehealth, drive-through screenings, limiting visitations, cleaning and disinfection guidelines, staffing, and more.

View the updates

Online Survey Helps Hospitals Match New Hires to Needs

Hospital administrators facing the challenge of placing new hires in appropriate roles for the COVID-19 emergency can use a free online assessment from the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses. The tool has nurses complete a self-assessment survey that can be used to match skills to patient assignments or tasks.

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Action Coalitions: What’s Up? Tell Us So That We Can Share

Fans of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action like to learn what’s happening in other states. But we might not know your stories. Help us celebrate your efforts and share details of progress by dropping a note to Aidan McCallion at [email protected]. We’ll spread the news through news posts, social media, and the Campaign Update.

Funding, Tools, and Other Opportunities

Become a Health and Aging Policy Fellow

The Health and Aging Policy Fellows Program aims to create a cadre of leaders who will serve as change agents in health and aging policy to ultimately improve the health care of older adults. If you have a strong commitment to health and aging issues and in policy work, apply to fellow. Deadline: April 15.

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Honor Your Contributions: Apply for AARP Purpose Prize 

Did you see a problem and create it a solution? Consider applying for AARP’s Purpose Prize, which celebrates the creativity, innovation, and inspiration that life experience brings. It is awarded to those 50 and older who are creating significant impact at the local, regional, national or global level. Deadline Extended: April 30.

Learn more and apply

HRSA Accepting Applications for Nurse Corps Scholarships

The Nurse Corps Scholarship Program, part of the Health Resources & Services Administration, offers funding to students in professional nursing degree programs in exchange for service in high-need, underserved communities. Learn more during a technical assistance phone call on April 16, 3-4:30 p.m. ET. Applications deadline: April 30.
Read more and apply


Students Invited to Apply for Complex Care Training 

Knowing how to better care for people with complex health and social needs takes training. Now is the chance to join some 600 students from 40 schools across the U.S who have been trained through the Interprofessional Student Hotspotting Learning Collaborative. The six-month program takes place at four regional hubs. Deadline: May 1.
Learn more and apply

AARP Community Challenge Goes for Local Change

Organizations are invited to apply for the 2020 AARP Community Challenge, proposing Ideas that can help communities become more livable for people of all ages. Projects are sought—none is too small!—for ways to improve housing, transportation, public spaces, technology, and more. Deadline Extended: May 15, 11:59 p.m. ET. 

Learn more

Participate in Testing the Board Engagement Survey

Calling all registered nurses (RNs) and advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs): have you served for at least one year on a board of directors with fiduciary responsibilities? You may be eligible to participate in a study, approved by the University of Massachusetts Boston Institutional Review Board, to test an instrument aimed at measuring the engagement of nurses on boards. Take the survey and share this message with your RN and APRN colleagues. The survey closes on May 31. 

Take the survey

Meetings and Webinars

Meetings open to all unless otherwise noted. Follow links for details about fees and registration.

Improving Health Access for Public Housing Residents: Washburn University’s Nexus Team
National Center Accelerating Interprofessional Community-based Education and Practice Initiative. April 21, 3 p.m. ET

Fundraising Strategies for Your Action Coalition
Center to Champion Nursing in America, April 30, 3-4 p.m. ET.
Geriatric Home Visits for Vulnerable Older Adults
National Center Accelerating Interprofessional Community-based Education and Practice Initiative. May 13, 3 p.m. ET.

Aligning Resources to Provide for Aging Adults in the Community
National Center Accelerating Interprofessional Community-based Education and Practice Initiative. June 10, 3 p.m. ET.

The Power of Data to Build a Healthier Nation 
National Nurse-Led Care Consortium, National Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers. June 10-12, Philadelphia.  

Putting Care at the Center 2020
National Center for Complex Health and Social Needs. October 28-30, Philadelphia.  

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Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action at the Center to Champion Nursing in America

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