Pictured: Solitary survivors, faith community advocates, and NRCAT partners in the Federal Anti-Solitary Taskforce (FAST) gathered for a press conference on the steps of The United Methodist Building in Washington, DC on April 16, 2024.

Dear Friends,

We are invigorated by the progress being made to end solitary confinement: victories small and large in cities and states across the country. In 2024, we continue to work closely with 23 active state campaigns and the federal Anti-Solitary Task Force which is building support in Congress for the End Solitary Confinement Act. This bill, introduced in the U.S. House and Senate in 2023, would end the torture of solitary confinement in federal prisons and immigration detention facilities while giving state campaigns traction and a blueprint for their own legislation.

Your donation to NRCAT today during Torture Awareness Month supports our engagement with faith communities and solitary survivors in advocacy efforts across the country.

As I write this, the End Solitary Confinement Act has been endorsed by over 170 organizations, including many churches and faith-based organizations, and is gaining co-sponsors in the House and Senate. Still, there is so much work to be done. Contact your representatives today with NRCAT’s action tool.

Your financial support of NRCAT enables us to continue advocating for human dignity, humane alternatives to prison, and an end to the torture of solitary confinement. Your contribution today will be doubled thanks to a match by a few of our generous donors, up to our goal of $30,000, this Torture Awareness Month.

Thank you for doing your part!

In solidarity,

Laura Markle Downton, M.Div.
Director of Faith and Community Engagement

P.S. - Read and share this article about a resolution on solitary confinement before the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) General Assembly this summer by Rev. Beverly Brewster for The Presbyterian Outlook.

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National Religious Campaign Against Torture
PO Box 91820
Washington, DC 20090


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