What's happening at Keep Britain Tidy?Hi there! We haven't connected in a while and we just wanted to check you're still interested in hearing from us. Click the button below to stay in the loop. Read on for a refresher of Keep Britain Tidy's incredible work and to find your perfect way to get involved! National CampaignsFrom the record-breaking Great British Spring Clean to our celebratory Love Parks Week and our newest initiative, Buy Nothing New Month, Keep Britain Tidy keeps finding creative ways to tackle litter, reduce waste and champion public spaces. We make it fun and easy for you, the amazing British public, to join the movement! Volunteer ActionFrom Litter Heroes and Ambassadors to dedicated Rivercare, Beachcare and Ocean Recovery Project teams, volunteers are the beating heart of Keep Britain Tidy. Their tireless efforts to tackle litter, everywhere from bustling city streets to remote beaches, make a massive difference. We couldn't do it without them! Improving Public SpacesWhere we live, work and play matters to us. Whether it’s our own street, the park our children play in, where we shop or the beach we visit in the holidays – public spaces matter. That’s why we are working hard, with others, to improve these spaces for everyone. We accredit the best spaces, celebrating parks, beaches, shopping centres, hospitals and other spaces that are well-managed, welcoming, safe, tidy and engage users in their management and maintenance. Lobbying For ChangeAs part of many of our recent campaigns, we have lobbied government on various environmental issues and provided an easy way for our national network of volunteers to do the same. At the start of this year, during Buy Nothing New Month 2024, we encouraged participants to email their MP with a request to sign up to the UK Repair and Reuse Declaration. Alongside our Parks and Green Spaces All-Party Parliamentary Group, we asked MPs to support better funding and policies to make parks safe for women and girls. In addition, as part of our Pain in the Glass campaign, we helped supporters contact their MPs to ask them to support our call for a Deposit Return Scheme for cans and bottles that included including glass. |