VDARE.com’s First WuFlu Victim asks Why, Exactly, Did We Allow Professional POC Whiner Jia Lynn Yang’s Family To Immigrate?; Sam Dickson Writes VDARE.com On The SULLIVAN Decision and NEW YORK TIMES Enforcer Jason DeParle, etc. (55 items, 04/14/2020)


Not reporting race nudges coronavirus coverage out of the top five for the first time in eight weeks!

Three out of the top five this week deal with the horrific truck stop stabbing committed by a “Durham Trucker.” (MSM to English translation: “Black Muslim Idris Abdus-Salaam”)

First: James Fulford’s UPDATE: All Three Dead In Tennessee Black Muslim Stabbing Attack Were White.

Second: Fulford’s original post Black Muslim Stabs Four Women (At Least Two White) In Tennessee; MSM Headlines “Durham Trucker”

And fifth: Paul Kersey’s tribute Her Name Is… Joyce Whaley, Patricia Denise Nibbe and Nettie R. Spencer: Black Muslim Stabs 3 White Women to Death at Pilot Travel Center in Knoxville

In other news, third place also goes to Paul Kersey with How Deep Does the Anti-White Rabbit Hole Go? Twitter Post Calling Picture of White Mom With Her Four White Children “Really Dark” Goes Viral, Getting 44,000 Likes.

And we close this week with the totally absurd in fourth, Mexican “American” Government Officials Want To Deport Americans From New Mexico. Latina Governor Lujan Grisham and Latino Lieutenant Governor Howie Morales agree: Illegal alliens from countries infected with COVID-19? Yes, we want those! Americans building the border wall? Get out!

Featured Articles

Monday April 13, 2020

Author Henry Eustace McCulloch

Why, Exactly, Did We Allow Professional POC Whiner Jia Lynn Yang’s Family To Immigrate?

Sunday April 12, 2020

Author Edwin S. Rubenstein

NATIONAL DATA: Coronavirus Kills Jobs—And Displacement! Immigrant Population FALLS For 7th Straight Month! IMMIGRATION MORATORIUM NOW!

Saturday April 11, 2020

Author James Fulford

Easter During Coronavirus: The Resurrection Of America Will Come

Friday April 10, 2020

Author John Derbyshire

John Derbyshire: Globalization Meant Sinification—Until China Virus Intervened

Thursday April 09, 2020

Author Sam Dickson

Sam Dickson Writes VDARE.com On The SULLIVAN Decision and NEW YORK TIMES Enforcer Jason DeParle

Wednesday April 08, 2020

Author Lance Welton

It’s Now OK To Talk About WuFlu And Race—Because Blacks Get It, So Whites Can Be Blamed!

Wednesday April 08, 2020

Author Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter: Who Brought The China Virus To America—And Who’s Dying From It?

Tuesday April 07, 2020

Author Washington Watcher II

WuFlu Brings Anarcho-Tyranny To America

Blog Posts

Tuesday April 14, 2020

Author James Fulford

Donald Trump Talks Libel Laws And The NYT: "If You Had Libel Laws, They Would Have Been Out Of Business "

Tuesday April 14, 2020

Author Virginia Dare

Social Distancing With Peter Brimelow and Diana West—LIVE Wednesday at 3PM EST!

Tuesday April 14, 2020

Author Paul Kersey

The Great Replacement In New York City: From 98% White In 1910 To 32% White In 2020...

Monday April 13, 2020

Author James Fulford

An SPLC Operative Has Questions About The China Virus And The "Anti-Immigrant Movement"; Peter Brimelow Replies

Monday April 13, 2020

Author Paul Kersey

Don't Blame The NRA: Jacksonville, Florida Has Record Gun Violence/Homicides Courtesy of the Black Community

Monday April 13, 2020

Author Wayne Allensworth

Coronavirus: Neither Hoax nor Apocalypse—And No Reason To Condemn Americans To Digital Gulag

Monday April 13, 2020

Author Paul Nachman

Border Patrol Agents And Gritted Teeth: How Agents Feel About The Invasion

Monday April 13, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

NYT: "The Dangerous History of Immunoprivilege"

Monday April 13, 2020

Author Allan Wall

Mexicans Who Die of WuFlu in US Sent Home For Burial. Maybe They Shouldn't Have Come?

Sunday April 12, 2020

Author James Fulford

This Day In VDARE.com History, 2011: 61 Percent Of Americans Who Told Rasmussen That Immigration Increases Poverty Are Right

Sunday April 12, 2020

Author Paul Kersey

How Deep Does the Anti-White Rabbit Hole Go? Twitter Post Calling Picture of White Mom with Her Four White Children "Really Dark" Goes Viral, Getting 44,000 Likes

Sunday April 12, 2020

Author James Fulford

Minorities Not Social Distancing: 400 Plus Person Party In East Bakersfield Scene Of Mass Shooting (With No One Killed)

Sunday April 12, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

The Good Old Days Are Back: NYT Publishes Asian Complaining About Being "Treated As A Threat"

Saturday April 11, 2020

Author Federale

Corporate Execs Firing Americans In Favor Of Foreigners

Saturday April 11, 2020

Author Paul Kersey

Michigan "Coronavirus Task Force on Racial Disparities" To Blame Whites For Blacks Being "Hardest Hit" By Virus

Saturday April 11, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

New York vs. California: Lives Saved By Less Crowding

Friday April 10, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

Is the Subway Why New York City Is So Hard Hit By Coronavirus?

Friday April 10, 2020

Author Federale

Kritarchs Waging Illegal Sick-Out

Friday April 10, 2020

Author James Fulford

This Day In VDARE.com History, 2014: If Obama Had A Son, Would He Laugh Like This?

Friday April 10, 2020

Author John Derbyshire

Radio Derb Transcript Up For April 3: Virus Agnosticism, Jobpocalypse, Cont. Despotism's Advantage, And China's Immigration Policy

Friday April 10, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

German Scientists: Virus Is Spread Less by Work Than by Fun

Friday April 10, 2020

Author Jack Dalton

Tech Totalitarians Ban Mike Cernovich's HOAXED From Amazon, Erasing It From Purchasers Accounts

Friday April 10, 2020

Author Paul Kersey

Her Name Is Dr. Beth Potter; His Name Is Robin Carre: White Couple In Madison, Wisconsin Murdered Execution-Style by Two Black Males

Thursday April 09, 2020

Author Federale

#ICESVU Engineering A Coronavirus Jailbreak!

Thursday April 09, 2020

Author Paul Kersey

Her Name Is...Joyce Whaley, Patricia Denise Nibbe and Nettie R. Spencer: Black Muslim Stabs 3 White Women to Death at Pilot Travel Center in Knoxville

Wednesday April 08, 2020

Author Peter Brimelow

Happy William Augustus Muhlenberg Day! Oh, And Also Passover

Wednesday April 08, 2020

Author Allan Wall

LA Times: Homicides in Central America and Mexico and Salvadoran Gangs Enforcing Social Distancing

Wednesday April 08, 2020

Author James Fulford

Update: All Three Dead In Tennessee Black Muslim Stabbing Attack Were White

Wednesday April 08, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

Sailer in TakiMag: Post-Lockdown Hacks

Wednesday April 08, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

Coronavirus Antibody Tests on the Way

Wednesday April 08, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

Should Major League Baseball Sequester All 30 Teams in Phoenix?

Wednesday April 08, 2020

Author James Fulford

Black Muslim Stabs Four Women (At Least Two White) In Tennessee; MSM Headlines "Durham Trucker"

Wednesday April 08, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

Where Have All the Heart Attacks Gone?

Tuesday April 07, 2020

Author Federale

Mexican "American" Government Officials Want To Deport Americans From New Mexico

Tuesday April 07, 2020

Author Virginia Dare

Social Distancing With Peter Brimelow and Michelle Malkin, Live Wednesday at 3PM Eastern!

Tuesday April 07, 2020

Author James Fulford

Blacks Want Reporting Of Coronavirus Victims Because Of "Hardest Hit," Media Refusing Because Of "Not Reporting Race" Rules

Tuesday April 07, 2020

Author Paul Kersey

National Guard Required to Protect Meal Distribution Volunteers from Parents of 84% Non-White Atlanta Public Schools Shut Down by Coronavirus


Vdare TV

Radio Derb

Syndicated Columns

Monday April 13, 2020

Author Patrick J. Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: What Price Victory—in the Coronavirus War?

Thursday April 09, 2020

Author Patrick J. Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: Trump's Presidency Hangs on One Decision—When To Reopen America

Tuesday April 07, 2020

Author Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin: The Grand Farce of American Social Distancing


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