Calling all early birds: Apply to lead the September 25-November 3 40 Days for Life campaign by June 7 and get $100 off your application fee:


The overturning of Roe v. Wade changed the abortion debate forever.

That's why Steve Karlen and I wrote a highly requested sequel to our national best-selling book What to Say When: The Complete New Guide to Discussing Abortion.

What to Say When 2: Your Proven Guide in the New Abortion Landscape is specifically designed to help you win hearts and minds in the post-Roe world...

...and you DON'T need to have read What to Say When to read the sequel.

Don't be frightened by the abortion industry's talking points. We'll help you:

  • Defend life in the most painful and difficult situations--like rape, incest, and life-threatening health complications--compassionately and convincingly;

  • Explain how pro-lifers can WIN at the ballot box (even after devastating losses in states like Ohio and Kansas);

  • Debunk new pro-abortion myths;

  • Easily dismiss accusations that overturning Roe shows pro-lifers only care about babies until they're born;

  • Much more!

What to Say When 2 comes out September 10. Be among the first to get a SIGNED copy by pre-ordering yours today:

  • Pre-order 1-19 copies: $16.99/book and FREE SHIPPING;

  • Pre-order 20 or more copies: $13.99/book and FREE SHIPPING;

  • Pre-order 50 or more copies: $9.99/book and FREE SHIPPING.

*Free shipping is for pre-orders in which shopping carts feature ONLY What to Say When 2 books.

If you haven't read the first What to Say When book, order the What to Say When bundle for just $24.99. The first book will ship right away--giving you plenty of time to finish it before you receive What to Say When 2 in September:

November's elections will put abortion in the headlines like never before. Get prepared to be part of the conversation...

...and get fired up for What to Say When 2 by watching this new video previewing the book's release:

To listen, click the image or visit:

Don't sit on the sidelines. Equip yourself to speak up for our most vulnerable fellow citizens who have no voice but YOURS:

For life,

Shawn Carney

President/CEO, 40 Days for Life

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