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May AVFCA Article Posts
Over time, regulations and guidelines change, ongoing research produces new results, and manufactures and retailers implement new practices. Unlike many publications, A Voice for Choice Advocacy is committed to keeping our articles up-to-date, so even if an article was written months or years ago, it includes the most current information available.
In case you missed our articles published by A Voice for Choice Advocacy writers in May, links are below...Be sure to sign up for AVFCA's Substack to get these weekly articles or check our Blog or our new Medium or LinkedIn Channels
Investigating Candle Toxicity: Creating Ambiance With Natural, Nontoxic Lighting
Burning candles made from paraffin wax (crude oil) is accompanied by various health risks, including upper respiratory problems and cancer. More than 45% of all candles sold in the U.S. are made from paraffin, raising obvious concerns. Carcinogenic compounds are emitted during burning, including VOCs (volatile organic compounds). Alternatives such as soy, palm, and coconut candles are not concern-free, while 100% beeswax continues to be the most human- and environmental-friendly.
Does the Thought of Parasites Make You Squeamish? Let’s Face It … Deworming Is Not Just for Your Animals
Natural treatments for parasites have existed for centuries across a wide variety of cultures. Herbal remedies and plants were often used, while traditions today include sitz baths and raw milk. The tricky part is that it is extremely common to not know you have parasites. Tests are available, and uncontrolled ongoing health symptoms may be a red flag.
Titanium Dioxide: Food Additive Runs Rampant as Nanoparticles Slip Through the Cracks
As if titanium dioxide in its previous powder form wasn’t bad enough (posing multiple health risks), even worse is the compound in nanoparticle form. Using nanotechnology, scientists manipulate the molecules to become so tiny, they are invisible to the human eye. From there they are able to be inserted into a plethora of food and cosmetic products.
The Confusing Case of Hair Dye: Inconsistent Findings Leave Consumers Bewildered
Conventional hair dye typically comes with a host of unwanted ingredients. Some of these include resorcinol, ammonia, and PPD, a coal-tar coloring agent made from petroleum, and found to be carcinogenic. If you’ve been dying your hair for decades, and are wondering about the health risks, check out what the research shows. In addition, there are many natural alternatives that might be worth trying out.
Kava Root: A Natural Remedy to Ease Anxiety and Lull You to Sleep
Kava bars are popping up all across the United States. What’s the big deal about kava? There’s plenty of research to support the claim that consuming kava can have beneficial effects on sleep and relaxation. So much so that many people choose kava (tea or supplements) for anxiety and insomnia. Side effects are controversial, so it’s best to do a thorough investigation before starting a protocol.
During the second half of May 2024, AVFCA brought awareness to specific observance days by sharing our original stories that matched these themes:
National Weaning Week: “The Ingredients Lurking in Conventional Baby Formula Could Be Detrimental to Your Child’s Health”
What’s wrong with conventional baby formula? Along with the ingredients the FDA does monitor, there are plenty they don’t. Highly problematic is corn syrup, corn syrup solids, soy, and DHA, extracted with the chemical, hexane. Included are companies making healthier products, as well as a couple of homemade baby formula recipes.
World No Tobacco Day: “Vaping AKA E-Cigarettes: How Your Body Receives These Substances”
Exploration of vaping by way of e-cigarettes. While they’ve been touted to be healthier than conventional smoking, it turns out they contain chemicals that are highly problematic for your lungs, as well as being addicting. Holistic resources are offered to support anyone who wants to learn more or kick the habit.
Our team also reads hundreds of articles each week, and those of interest are shared on our social media platforms. However, once or twice a week, our team reads an article that is profound or shares a perspective that is new or from an expert that AVFCA feels should be highlighted. These articles are shared on our Substack.
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Together we can make change happen!
Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]
