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The Laws of Nature and of Natures God | Introduction to the Constitution

By Virginia Christian Alliance on Jun 05, 2024 06:28 am

The U.S. Constitution is the key to securing liberty for all Americans — yet few know exactly what it says, and what freedoms it protects....

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‘What Makes a Man?’ Christian Coalition Publishes Statement on Godly Masculinity

By Virginia Christian Alliance on Jun 05, 2024 04:21 am

S.A. McCarthy | The Washington Stand While Pride Month is busy promoting homosexuality and gender confusion, a coalition of Christian men is proclaiming a doctrine...

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Wake Up! The Russians Are NOT Bluffing

By Virginia Christian Alliance on Jun 05, 2024 01:54 am

World War III 2023Nuclear war is not something we should be gambling with.  In the event of a full-blown nuclear exchange between the United States and Russia, millions...

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America Is Under Attack

By Virginia Christian Alliance on Jun 04, 2024 11:05 am

Johnny Cochran, A pseudonym. | The Daily Signal The United States of America, a few years short of its 250th birthday, is at war. This is not...

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“America needs God more than God needs America.  If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”  - Ronald Reagan

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