
The National Republican Senatorial Committee just announced new spending on ads in several battleground states -- including Montana.

Click here to donate $10 or more right now to help us reach our mid-month fundraising goal by Thursday and give Jon the resources he needs to help Democrats fight back against these attacks >>


Democrats have a stronger chance than ever to take back the Senate majority this year. On top of that, Montana has the chance to elect TWO Democratic Senators.

Jon faced mountains of outside spending back in 2018. This incredible grassroots team stepped up to help him fend off the attacks and win re-election in a state that went to Trump by over 20 points.

This team knows how to win tough races, so we’re turning to you once again:

Pitch in $10 or more to help build the resources Jon needs to defend Democrats across the country (including here in Montana!) and take back the Senate majority. We can’t do this without you:


Washington Republicans think they can keep the Senate by smearing Democrats with attack ads.

Let’s prove them wrong.

— Team Tester

P.S. If you can’t afford to donate right now, that’s okay. Too many folks are facing financial hardship right now, and the most important thing you can do is to take care of yourself and your loved ones.