Lives are at stake as SCOTUS decides United States v. Rahimi 

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Dear John,

We’re watching. Closely. Because any day now, the U.S. Supreme Court will rule in United States v. Rahimi – a case that will determine if the government can continue denying guns to people with domestic violence protective orders against them. In the next several weeks, the Supreme Court could end this common-sense safety measure, which has been making families and communities safer for years.

The consequences would be devastating and our position is clear: No guns for domestic violence abusers. Period. The vast majority of people in this country agree with us. The data shows why:

  • When a gun is present during a domestic violence incident, the risk of death for the victim increases five-fold
  • On average, 70 women in America are shot and killed by their domestic abuser each month
  • Nearly one million women today have been shot, or shot at, by an intimate partner
  • 2/3 of those who perpetrated mass shootings killed a family member or intimate partner or had a history of domestic violence

Please know you can count on us to be your partners in this fight. 

You can count on us to keep advancing our gun violence prevention agenda. ​​​​​

You can count on us to keep you apprised of the ruling – not just how the justices rule, but the short- and long-term implications of their decision.

Most of all, you can count on us to keep doing the hard work to end the scourge of gun violence, protect those facing domestic and sexual violence, and keep our children and communities safe.

Thank you and we hope you will join us

In solidarity,

Kiersten Stewart
Vice President of Public Policy and Advocacy



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