From Jennie Murray, National Immigration Forum <>
Subject Take action for orderly, humane border policies
Date June 4, 2024 8:33 PM
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Take action now. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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Earlier today, President Biden **announced executive actions** [link removed] that would close the U.S.-Mexico border to migrants when illegal crossings exceed a designated average daily limit. This establishes a troubling precedent, and even if it succeeds in reducing border encounters in the short term, it's just a Band-Aid without additional resources and reforms from Congress.

**Urge the Biden administration and Congress to work together on pragmatic and humane policies that ensure security and order at the U.S.-Mexico border.** [link removed]

It's unfortunate that politics are driving the immigration conversation in an increasingly restrictive direction. While there's no question the U.S. needs to better address challenges at the border, reliance on **Sec. 212(f)** [link removed] of the Immigration and Nationality Act is concerning, as it requires the administration to declare border migration above certain levels to be "detrimental to the interests of the United States."

To be clear, border security is paramount, and there is a clear need to get a better handle on managing the border. But long-term solutions require legislation, including funding the personnel and other resources a secure, compassionate border response requires. We've put forward a **blueprint** [link removed] for such solutions and **new polling** [link removed] underscores huge support across the political and ideological spectrum for them.

If we want to reduce the number of border encounters in a sustainable way, we need a reasonable conversation about alternative ways for people to make their cases for asylum and other humanitarian protections - and about other potential legal-migration pathways that help promote order and fairness.

**Tell the Biden administration and Congress to enact legislation that would create a more secure, orderly, and humane process at the border!** [link removed]

TAKE ACTION [link removed]

High numbers of encounters at the U.S.-Mexico border pose real and significant logistical and security challenges. But people fleeing harm to seek protection in the United States are not detrimental to our national interest. Indeed, the United States' leadership in humanitarian resettlement has been a longtime source of strength. To tackle the real challenges and ensure that people with valid claims for protection can have those claims heard, we need our leaders to focus on enduring solutions. Now, more than ever, we need the Biden administration and Congress to come together on legislation containing the reforms and resources needed to help restore order at the border.??

Thank you for your ongoing advocacy,????

Jennie Murray
President & CEO??
National Immigration Forum??

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