Happy Pride Month!
We are excited to share our 2024 Queer & Now Pride Month Social Media Toolkit here as we celebrate the vibrant history, diversity and resilience of the LGBTQIA+ community!
The Queer & Now Toolkit is a true rainbow of resources that includes a variety of content to share across your social media platforms, including:
- Actions to take this month to support LGBTQ youth
- Suggested social media to share, including graphics and videos celebrating LGBTQIA+ youth
- Resources, images, sample social media, and publications to support you in amplifying the voices and experiences of LGBTQIA+ youth
- #StopHIVTogether Assets to amplify National HIV Testing Day on June 27th

LGBTQIA+ young people often face unique challenges, including discrimination, isolation, and mental health struggles. Our collective voices and actions can make a profound difference. It is our hope that the Queer & Now Toolkit supports you in fostering an inclusive and supportive environment where all young people feel valued and celebrated.
Together, we can create a world where every young person feels safe, loved, and free to be their true selves. Thank you for your continued support and for standing with LGBTQ+ youth this Pride Month.
With pride and solidarity,
louie ortiz-fonseca
Director, LGBTQ Health & Rights
Advocates for Youth
P.S. Remember you can follow us on Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok and Twitter/X for more updates and events throughout Pride Month!