
Last week President Trump urged Republicans across the country to “fight very hard” against mail-in voting, despite the potential dangers of going out to vote without key election protections during a pandemic.

And unfortunately, conservatives across the country have been following his lead.

Last week we saw voters in Wisconsin forced to make a terrible choice between following stay at home orders and not having their voice heard in the state’s primary election.

John, we absolutely MUST stop the toxic influence of voter suppression in our democracy, and make sure that states have all the resources they need to ensure every voice is heard. That’s why we’re joining the national call-in day today to demand Congress fully fund voter protections for November!

Will you call now at 1-888-415-4527 and ask your Senators to include $4 billion in funding to secure our elections in the next stimulus package?

Leaders in Congress have identified $4 billion as the amount necessary to fully protect our elections in November.

Here’s what that means:

Trump drew yet another line in the sand against democracy when he came out against mail-in voting. 

That’s why we must fight back!

But Congress only included a fraction - $400 million - for protecting our elections in the last coronavirus response bill.

This simply isn’t enough.

It is imperative that we make sure elections are fully protected in November so voters can kick the toxic corruptors out of office.

Trump says Republicans would “never” be elected again if it was easier to vote. So he’s pushing hard to make sure our elections aren’t protected in November.

Join the national call-in day to push back against Trump and make sure EVERYONE gets to vote and make their voice heard.

Thank you for all you do,


The HAZMAT America Team


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