
It’s official. Donald Trump is a convicted criminal. Our justice system has done its job: no one is above the law.

This verdict raises the stakes even higher. Trump is still allowed to run for President, and he’s still edging out President Biden in the polls. Now he will only be more vindictive, more motivated to seek revenge, to lash out – and to bring down our entire democracy in the process.

Trump is already fundraising like hell off of this ruling. His base is fired up. We need to beat him at his own game.

John, we all have a choice to make: we can sit back and allow a criminal to take back the most powerful job in the world, or we can fight like hell to protect the future and soul of America. We can fight like hell to restore integrity in our politics.

If you’re able, please rush a contribution to Serve America. We’re dedicated to helping elect Democrats up and down the ballot. These are candidates who are dedicated to service, patriotism, and humility – all things that Donald Trump is not.


While this conviction marks a first in U.S. history, and an embarrassing blight on America, my team and I are laser focused on the task ahead.

-Seth Moulton