The research is clear that monogamous, loving marriages are a high predictor of flourishing societies. However, in this video, I speak of 6 major obstacles that are hijacking the desire of some people to enter into monogamous, committed marriages.
I also explain how the historical practice of polygamy ends up producing a large number of lonely men and brings about competition among women.
It’s interesting to note that "free love" societies always end up as polygamous societies because of the inherent differences between men and women. Contrary to what is promised, these dynamics bring about dissatisfaction and suffering.
You’ll learn about how the positive outcomes of monogamous marriage are not reflected in monogamous cohabitation.
Overall, the lack of commitment through marriage is a high predictor of abortion and single-parent homes. More often than not, fathers are the absent parent. This is because the culture tells men that abortion and childbearing are labeled as only a “women’s issue” and that men should have no say. (You’ll learn more about this in next week’s video!)
After you watch this week’s video, let me know what you think by replying to this email.
Let’s spread the word that monogamous marriage between a man and woman is beautiful, not something to be afraid of, and that family life holds the secret to a better society and a better world.
For Life,
Lila Rose
Founder and President