From New York Young Republicans <[email protected]>
Subject The Club's Year In Review
Date April 14, 2020 6:35 PM
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** America's Oldest & Largest Young Republican Club

** The Club's Year In Review

This Sunday, April 19th will be the one year anniversary since our new administration took over management of the New York Young Republican Club. We are happy to report that during this time we have achieved numerous quantitative successes in terms of growth.

Since taking over in April of last year our Club's finances have grown tremendously. We have more than doubled our cash on hand, rising from $18,722 in April of 2019 to $39,276 today - a 109% increase and a net increase of $20,554. This was despite losing money on two events this year due to the coronavirus outbreak.

During this time we maintained an average monthly cash-flow of $2,279. This was done by cutting back monthly expenses and expanding our income sources fbeyond just membership dues.

One of our first changes was implementing a recurring membership system where memberships renew automatically. This allows us to budget every year as we have a guaranteed income which will also grow each year with new members rather than resetting every year to zero. We also expanded the number of membership tiers and their offerings, including the Sustaining Membership and a Preferred Membership tiers.

Speaking of memberships, our membership has grown from 93 dues paying members in April of 2019 to 465 today. That is a 400% increase and a 372 net gain. This is the highest membership level the club has had in many years and makes us the largest Young Republican organization in the nation.

You could clearly see this membership growth from our event attendance which has averaged at around 164 per event excluding our annual gala, with our Ann Coulter event bringing in over 400 attendees. Our most financially successful event outside of our annual gala was our Michelle Malkin speaker series which grossed over $9,000 for the Club.

We have successfully held at-least 2 events per month since taking over (prior to coronavirus), with some months having as many as 4 events.

On social media we have also seen massive growth. Our Facebook page has grown from 2,101 likes in April of 2019 to 13,195 today - a 527% increase and a 11,094 net gain. We have seen similar growth on our other platforms specifically Instagram and Twitter. Further we created the Club's first YouTube channel and Instagram TV and posted much of our video content from events to these platforms for the first time.

We have successfully turned the Club from a money losing institution with stagnant membership growth into a profitable enterprise with expanding annual membership and ever enlarging event attendance.

In terms of non quantitative growth, beyond launching a new website and logo we have also established an official Club policy platform ([link removed][UNIQID]) along with issuing numerous legislative, policy, and candidate endorsements over the last year, something which the Club had not done in a very long time.

We successfully compiled our Club's history going back to 1856 ([link removed][UNIQID]) (Including a full list of Club founders and presidents) which entitled us for inclusion on Wikipedia.

We have established partnerships with numerous organizations from the Free Speech Alliance, MavPac, MirYam Institute, Zionist Organization of America, Beretta, London Center for Policy Research, Black Conservative Federation, Republicans for National Renewal, We Build The Wall, and the National Republican Hispanic Assembly. We have hosted senior leadership from the Republican National Committee, specifically Co-Chair Tommy Hicks Jr. and had our board invited to an exclusive Trump campaign fundraising event in the Hamptons. We also co-signed a letter ([link removed][UNIQID]) to President Trump that was retweeted by Donald Trump Jr.

Internally we have established a Club Code of Conduct ([link removed][UNIQID]) and a Free Speech Policy ([link removed][UNIQID]) and created a new Board of Advisors comprised of leading figures in the conservative movement. Further, we have seen many in our Club's leadership being appointed to positions in both the national and state Young Republican organizations, something which has not happened in many years. We also led numerous successful philanthropic activities including a supply drive ([link removed][UNIQID]) for our veterans.

We are looking forward to another year of growth in 2020. We hope to comeback after the Chinese Virus has been defeated stronger than ever. We thank all of our loyal members and supporters for making this growth possible.
Gavin Wax
New York Young Republican Club

Read The Report On Our Website (http://)

** Member Spotlight: Mike Reyes

Mike Reyes is an entrepreneur and political analyst/activist. His experience includes corporate training, teaching, tech sales, and political canvassing.

After graduating from the University of Rhode Island with a double degree in Political Science & Spanish Literature, in 2009, Mike went on to pursue a Master's degree in Administration Management at Zhejiang University; on a full Chinese government scholarship. In Asia, Mike trained some of southern China's top high school students in Montessori Model United Nations debate, held training at the Chinese communist party school of Shenzhen, was a corporate trainer for Shenzhen City's seventh people's hospital, and was a personal consultant to Shenzhen, Yantian district's Vice-Mayor Zhang.

When President Donald Trump won in 2016, Mike decided that the time had come to return to his birthplace: New York City. Since his return, he has worked on several different political campaigns, both at the local and national level, and worked for the Manhattan Republican Party during the 2018 midterm elections. Now on the executive board of the newly revamped Harlem Republican Club, Mike mainly focuses on raising awareness of anti-human trafficking programs, opportunity zones/job creation, and other issues that affect the local community. In the private sector, he has worked in green energy sales, tech sales, and is now an entrepreneur in the healthcare tech space. He has appeared on Fox News, ABC News, NY1, and in the New York Post. Mike is fluent in Spanish, Mandarin, and (limited) Cantonese. At present, Mike is assisting at the Montefiore Hospital System with the current COVID-19 pandemic, from translating for patients that tested for COVID-19, to helping with basic housekeeping, and
other COVID-19 relief efforts.

** Digital Freelancing Workshop

Join us Monday, April 20th as we host a free workshop on how to make money from digital freelancing during this coronavirus pandemic. Learn more about opening online businesses, listing services on sites like, and work from home productively. The workshop will be hosted by successful Fiverr freelancer, Alex Fasulo, who has been featured on CNBC and Yahoo Finance, with resume formatting and editing tips supplied by our own Nando Acosta.

Location: Our Facebook Page ([link removed][UNIQID]))

Price: Free for all !

Date: Monday, April 20th

Time: 7PM
Get Free Tickets! ([link removed][UNIQID])
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