Building No Kill Communities!

Dear John,

Two things happened when the world quarantined itself: Vulnerable pets still needed us (even more than usual) and so many people in the PAWS Chicago community reached out to help. So inspiring!

You’re the reason we’re still saving animals today. You’re proof that Rescuers Never Rest.
Support Our Crisis Response
You’ve made it possible for us to find foster homes for hundreds of animals, as well as loving, permanent homes for hundreds more. Nearly every day we take more animals into our program.

Thanks to your support, we’re delivering emergency pet food and supplies to people in Englewood, West Englewood and Back of the Yards who otherwise may face the heartbreak of giving up their pets. 

Because of you, we can provide temporary foster care for pets of healthcare heroes working round the clock treating COVID-19 patients, as well as people recovering from the virus, or those experiencing financial hardship. 

Now, we’re hoping you can do a little more. 

Every day we use personal protective equipment, medicine, supplies and other resources necessary to keep our volunteers, staff, adopters and community safe and healthy. Sadly, our donations are down by 40% due to this crisis. We need help to continue our important lifesaving work. If you can, please support our critical work during the COVID-19 crisis by funding one of our most urgently needed items. It’s the best way to keep everyone healthy, and still save animals.
Urgent Needs
Thank you for always coming to the rescue of homeless animals. Together we will overcome COVID-19 and achieve our mission of a No Kill Chicago.

Warmest Regards,
Paula Fasseas
Founder and Chair
P.S. If you can, please support our critical work during the COVID-19 crisis by funding one of our most urgently needed items. It’s the best way to keep everyone healthy, and still save animals.
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