Welcome to our June 2024 Sister District DC Metro Area Newsletter!

With over 70,000 volunteers across the nation, Sister District is one of the largest and most effective progressive grassroots organizations in the country. 

Sister District DC Metro Area Newsletter
June 2024

In this newsletter, we will cover:

  • Congratulations on the Blitz!
  • Sign Up for June 5 Phonebanking featuring Anna Thomas (PA House 137)
  • Postcarding Starts this Month!
  • Don't Miss Our First Sister District DC Metro Area General Meeting
  • 6/24/22 -- A Sad Anniversary
  • Save the Date -- September 5 Fundraiser
  • June is Pride Month!
  • Who is Sister District DC Metro Area?

You Did It!
Congratulations on a Spectacular Blitz!

We BEAT our goal to raise $12,000 to support Anna Thomas (PA HD 137)!

Thanks to Sister District NYC and our partners at WNDC, the BLITZ total is over $17,000!

For a state legislative race that is a HUGE amount, but don't take our word for it when Anna can say it better...


Meet Anna Thomas at Our June 5 Phonebank!

Sign up now to phonebank and meet Anna Thomas on June 5, 6:30-8 pm ET.  Anna will be making a special appearance via Zoom!

Why phonebank? The data proves it: phonebanking is THE BEST volunteering option for remote voter contact. We identify supporters and let them know why their vote matters, speak with undecided voters, and recruit local volunteers. 


Do you have Fear of Phonebanking (FOPB)?  Don't worry! No experience is necessary. Each Zoom phonebank includes training and check-ins for first-timers (experienced callers can jump right in). We'll share successes and address questions throughout the session, all while contacting voters in crucial state legislative races. Our veteran phonebank leaders will help you get comfortable, increase your effectiveness, and make sure you have a great experience.


Can't make June 5?  There are plenty of other options to participate!  Sign up for one or more phonebanks below!


Postcarding Begins this Month!

We hope you will join us in writing postcards to Pennsylvania voters in June!

Watch this space for details!


Get Involved!
New Monthly Meetings Start June 11

Sister District DC Metro Area is pleased to announce the launch of our new monthly meetings beginning June 11.  The Zoom meetings will be held the second Tuesday of each month starting at 6:30 pm ET, and last for approximately 45 minutes.


If you're new to Sister District DC Metro Area, this meeting will provide an introduction to our community. Meet fellow volunteers, learn what we're up to, see how you can take action with us, hear from special guests, and more. 


We are thrilled to welcome Shawn Werner, Sister District's Director of Organizing & Political as guest speaker at our first meeting.  He will be sharing his expertise in these areas with us at our June 11 meeting.  Shawn recently was named to the 2024 Class of 40 Under 40 by the American Association of Political Consultants.


June 24, 2022 -- A Day That Will Live in Infamy

On June 24, 2022, in a historic and far-reaching decision, the U.S. Supreme Court officially reversed Roe v. Wade, declaring that the constitutional right to abortion, upheld for nearly half a century, no longer existed. The dissent, written by Justices Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan, and Sonia Sotomayor, says it all:


"With sorrow — for this Court, but more, for the many millions of American women who have today lost a fundamental constitutional protection — we dissent," they wrote.

We knew that anti-abortion Republicans wouldn't stop after overturning Roe.

As we approach this sad anniversary, the GOP’s cruel attacks on our bodies continue.  We can’t leave these decisions up to the unpredictable, arch-conservative Supreme Court.

That’s why we must continue to build power and protect reproductive rights in the states.  YOU can help by taking action now!  What you can do:

  1. Invest in Anna Thomas by joining a phonebank We're making calls in Anna's district every Wed at 6:30 pm, and hope you will join us! 
  2. Join our monthly meetings.  Learn about what we do and volunteer.
  3. Get others involved! Invite your friends to phonebank and postcard with us, and share the donation link. Follow our candidates on social media. Find everything you need to spread the word on our candidate pages.

Save the Date!

Sister District DC Metro Area is thrilled to announce that we will be holding a live fundraiser for Anna Thomas (PA House 137) in conjunction with the Woman's National Democratic Club  on Thursday, September 5.  Watch this space for details!


Did You Know...That June is Pride Month?

We hope you will join Sister District and Teen Vogue on June 10 for its State Power Series -- Historic Firsts: Pride Edition, a Pride Month virtual event to lift up trailblazing pioneers from the LGBTQ+ community who have made history in state legislatures and beyond.

The event will feature:

  • Keynote address from Erin Reed, journalist and transgender rights activist
  • Panelists: Arizona State Rep Lorena Austin, Minnesota State Sen Clare Oumou Verbeten, and Washington State Sen Emily Randall
  • Moderators: Gaby Goldstein, Sister District Co-Founder, and Allegra Kirkland, Teen Vogue Politics Director

Who is Sister District DC Metro Area?

Lynn is one of the newest members of our steering committee.  She has worked for various political campaigns over the years, starting in college, when she worked on a campaign for a Democratic governor in her home state of Wisconsin.


She is a long-time Washington, DC, resident, where she has been involved in local politics, including serving as an Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner, and has also volunteered for various presidential candidates. 


Lynn first became involved in Sister District in 2023 when she attended a fundraiser for the two Virginia legislators (Joshua Cole and Lashrecse Aird) Sister District supported that year.  Not only was she impressed with the quality of the candidates, but was impressed by the impact their successful election has had on Virginia politics in general.

Lynn is semi-retired from the practice of law.  One of her favorite past-times is playing with her two grandchildren who live in the area.  She is hoping to instill in them the importance of trying to take positive action to make the world a better place.  She feels her involvement in Sister District is a significant step in that direction.


Your Sister District DC Metro Area Leaders

Sarah, Karen, Jennie, Alan, Jim, Mary, Jeff, Sheri, Allison and Lynn


Paid for by Sister District Project, authorized by Friends of Anna Thomas (HD 137).