From Drugs library newsletter <[email protected]>
Subject HRB National Drugs Library e-newsletter May 20(5). New research
Date June 4, 2024 12:51 PM
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Our newsletter includes links to Irish and international publications related to alcohol, tobacco
and other drugs.

The Health Research Board and Department of Health have developed a new services map. This visual
database of 442 services is available on the library website at
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] [
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To view our entire collection of research and access our resources visit our website [
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], Ireland's comprehensive substance use research library. And follow us @HRBdrugslibrary [
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Irish-related publications
The emergence of nitazenes on the Irish heroin market and national preparation for possible future
Killeen, Nicki et al (2024) Addiction, Early online.

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Identification of N-pyrrolidino protonitazene in powders sold as heroin and associated with overdose
clusters in Dublin and Cork, Ireland.
Killoran, Sarah and McNamara, Sinéad and Kavanagh, Pierce and O'Brien, John and Lakes, Rodney (2024)
Drug Testing and Analysis, Early online.

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The Irish Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Study 2022
Gavin, Aoife et al (2024) Galway: Department of Health, and University of Galway

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South Western Substance Use Regional Forum strategic plan 2024-2026
(2024) Dublin: South Western Substance Use Regional Forum

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Evaluation of CASP recovery cafés.
Dorman, Peter (2024) Dublin: Clondalkin Addiction Support Programme CASP

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Back-to-basics. A programme for those living with addiction in the Family. Evaluation
Dorman, Peter (2024) Dublin: Clondalkin Addiction Support Programme CASP

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CASP community substance misuse team intervention model
Clondalkin Addiction Support Team. (2024) Dublin: CASP

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A review of systematic reviews on the health effects of vaping in children and adolescents
Reynolds, Ciara ME et al (2024) Dublin and Belfast: Institute of Public Health

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The adverse effects of vaping in young people
Meehan, Judith et al (2024) Global Pediatrics, Early online,

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Men’s health in numbers. Republic of Ireland men’s health report card 2024.
Devine, Paula (2024) Dublin: Men’s Health Forum in Ireland

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Prevalence and associated risk factors for suicidal ideation, non-suicidal self-injury and suicide
attempt among male construction workers in Ireland
O'Donnell, Shane et al (2024) BMC public health, 24, (1).

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Incontinence and homelessness
Kelly, Anne Marie (2024) British Journal of Community Nursing, 29, (Sup5), S52-S58.

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The commercial determinants of health in Ireland: fueling an industrial epidemic at home and abroad
Mialon, Mélissa et al (2024) BJGP Open, Early online.

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Health research in action 2023
(2024) Dublin: Health Research Board

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Dialectical behaviour therapy: effect of a coordinated implementation approach on programme
Joyce, M et al (2024) Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, Early online. pp. 1-4.

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Employers’ toolkit for inclusive hiring of people with convictions
Garrihy, Joe and Bracken- Roche, Ciara (2024) Dublin: Open Doors Initiative

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Zero tolerance
Third national strategy on domestic, sexual and gender based violence 2024 implementation plan.
(2024) Dublin: Department of Justice

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Sex for rent. An NWC report on sexual exploitation and sexual harassment in the rental housing
(2024) Dublin: National Women's Council

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Female perpetrated sexual assault: a review of attendances to the national sexual assault treatment
units in the Republic of Ireland
Kane, Daniel and Eogan, Maeve (2024) International Journal of Legal Medicine, 138, (3), pp.

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Identifying victims of human trafficking across the island of Ireland: Who counts? Who’s counting?
Who wants to be counted?
Erbe Healy, Amy (2024) Criminology & Criminal Justice, Early online.

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Annual report for needle exchange for 2023: 1 January 2023 – 31 December 2023
Dunn, Adele and Montgomery, Wendy (2024) Belfast: Public Health Agency

[link removed]
The social psychology of trauma: connecting the personal and the political
Muldoon, Orla T (2024) Cambridge University Press

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That's not your role: State funding and advocacy in the Irish community voluntary and non-profit
(2024) Dublin: Irish Council for Civil Liberties

[link removed]
Real lives untold podcast. [Audio]
O'Connor, Sarah and O'Connor, Trina (2024)

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Information for parents about young people. [Webpage]
(2024) Health Service Executive

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Make the change. An alcohol reduction resource. [Webpage]
(2024) Make the Change

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Smoking and e-cigarettes. [Webpage]
(2024) Dublin: Irish Cancer Society

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Take home naloxone reports. [Webpage]
Northern Ireland. (2024) Public Health Agency

[link removed]
Drugs & alcohol ministerial meeting: communique
(2024) British Irish Council

[link removed]
Impact measurement tool for drug and alcohol services 2022/23 summary report prepared for the Public
Health Agency
Public Health Information & Research Branch, Information Analysis Directorate. (2024) Belfast:
Department of Health

[link removed]
Motoring offence statistics for Northern Ireland annual report 2023
(2024) Belfast: Police Service of Northern Ireland

[link removed]
The changing social worlds of 13-year-olds
Smyth, Emer (2024) Dublin: Economic and Social Research Institute

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Perspectives of youth in Ireland on school-based mental health and suicide prevention: the MYSTORY
Walsh, Eibhlin H et al (2023) Health Promotion International, 38, (3).

[link removed]
Recorded crime victims 2023 and suspected offenders 2022
(2024) Cork: Central Statistics Office

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An evaluation of Peter McVerry Trust (PMVT) and their operations during the Covid - 19 pandemic for
persons experiencing homelessness.
Ivers, Jo-Hanna et al (2024) Dublin: Peter McVerry Trust

[link removed]
Western Region Drugs Task Force company limited by guarantee annual report 31 December 2023.
(2024) Galway: Western Region Drug and Alcohol Task Force

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Tallaght Rehabilitation Project annual report 2023
(2024) Dublin: Tallaght Rehabilitation Project

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Tabor Group annual report 2023
(2024) Cork: Tabor Group

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A year of strengthening recovery. CASP 2023 – annual report
Clondalkin Addiction Support Team. (2024) Dublin: CASP

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The National Maternity Hospital Holles Street annual report 2023
(2024) Dublin: National Maternity Hospital

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Child poverty monitor 2024.
(2024) Dublin: Children's Rights Alliance

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Uncertain times: the Ombudsman for Children annual report 2023
(2024) Dublin: Ombudsman for Children’s Office

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International publications
10-year strategic plan for the drug and alcohol treatment and recovery workforce (2024–2034).
NHS England. (2024) London: Department of Health and Social Care

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Evaluation of the 2021–2026 National Mission on Drug Deaths: evaluation framework
(2024) Edinburgh: Public Health Scotland

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General report of activities 2023 – key achievements and governance: a year in review
(2024) Lisbon: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction

[link removed]
Review of national prevention systems based on the UNODC/WHO international standards on drug use
prevention. Final report of the pilot in Norway.
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, KORUS Oslo. (2023) Vienna: United Nations Office on Drugs
and Crime

[link removed]
How do we understand the value of drug checking as a component of harm reduction services? A
qualitative exploration of client and provider perspectives
Moran, Lissa et al (2024) Harm Reduction Journal, 21, (1).

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Stigma by association among alcohol and other drug and harm reduction workers: implications for
workplace outcomes
Brener, Loren et al (2024) Drug and Alcohol Review, Early online.

[link removed]
Rapid review. Evidence for strategies that address substance-use related stigma
Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion (Public Health Ontario), Community Opioid/
Overdose Capacity Building (COM-CAP). (2024) Toronto: King’s Printer for Ontario.

[link removed]
The associations among perceived courtesy stigma, health and social behaviours in family members and
friends of people who use substances: an ecological momentary assessment study.
Jones, Andrew et al (2024) Substance Use & Misuse, Early online. pp. 1-6.

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Factors associated with experiencing stigma, discrimination, and negative health care treatment
among people who inject drugs
Broady, Timothy R et al (2024) International Journal of Drug Policy, 128.

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'It has gotten a lot better, but it is still bad': experiences with the police among marginalized
PWUDs in a context of depenalization
Kammersgaard, Tobias et al (2024) International Journal of Drug Policy, 127.

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SDF event- Involving people who use drugs in the development of service provision, Mat Southwell.
[Video] Scottish Drugs Forum
Southwell, Mat (2024) Scottish Drugs Forum

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Patterns of drug use among people who inject drugs: a global systematic review and meta-analysis
Webb, Paige et al (2024) International Journal of Drug Policy, 128.

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Drug use, harm reduction and the right to health - Report of the UN Special Rapporteur on the right
to health
Mofokeng, Tlaleng (2024) Geneva: United Nations General Assembly

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Rapid evidence review: integrated models of drug treatment in primary care.
Taylor, C et al (2024) Edinburgh: Public Health Scotland

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Understanding the needs of children living with parental substance misuse: perspectives from
children and practitioners
Todman, Hannah and McLaughlin, Hugh (2024) British Journal of Social Work, Early online.

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What workers need to know – wound advice
(2024) Glasgow: Scottish Drugs Forum

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Trends in overdose and other drug-induced deaths in Australia, 2003 - 2023
Chrzanowska, Agata et al (2024) Sydney: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW Sydney

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Evaluation of the National Mission on Drug Deaths - frontline staff survey 2023
(2024) Public Health Scotland

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EU drug markets: drivers and facilitators.
(2024) Lisbon: EMCDDA & EUROPOL

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Neuromelanin levels in individuals with substance use disorders: a systematic review and
Ahrens, Jessica et al (2024) Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 161.

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Rapid Action Drug Alerts and Response (RADAR) quarterly report
(2024) Public Health Scotland

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Scotland. Public health alert: Xylazine – newly detected drug.
(2024) Edinburgh: Public Health Scotland

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How drug information systems contribute to enhance preparedness. Strengthening Europe’s Responses to
emerging drug trends.
Stegemann, Lavinia et al (2023) Amsterdam: Correlation – European Harm Reduction Network

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Xylazine: a drug adulterant of clinical concern
Edinoff, Amber N et al (2024) Current Pain and Headache Reports, 28. pp. 417-426.

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The rise of remimazolam: a review of pharmacology, clinical efficacy, and safety profiles
Dessai, Saiesh et al (2024) Cureus, 16, (3). 10.7759/cureus.57260

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Anabolic-androgenic steroid abuse causes cardiac dysfunction
Momoh, Rabiu (2024) American Journal of Men's Health, 18, (2). 10.1177/15579883241249647

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A retrospective study of the characteristics and toxicology of cases of lysergic acid diethylamide
(LSD)- and psilocybin-related death in Australia
Darke, Shane et al (2024) Addiction, Early online.

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Risk of adverse outcomes during gabapentinoid therapy and factors associated with increased risk in
UK primary care using the clinical practice research datalink: a cohort study
Muller, Sara et al (2024) Pain, Early online. doi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000003239

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Clinical and neuroradiographic features of fentanyl inhalation-induced leukoencephalopathy
Eden, Christopher O et al (2024) BMJ Case Reports, 17, (5).

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Opioid- and stimulant-related harms in Canada
Federal, provincial, and territorial Special Advisory Committee on the Epidemic of Opioid Overdoses.
(2024) Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada

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Trends in pediatric prescription-opioid overdoses in U.S. emergency departments from 2008-2020: An
epidemiologic study of pediatric opioid overdose ED visits
Lu, Audrey et al (2024) PLoS ONE, 19, (4).

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Illegal synthetic opioids. Can Europe prevent a crisis?
Pardal, Mafalda et al (2024) CA: RAND Corporation

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Wastewater-based monitoring of the nitazene analogues: First detection of protonitazene in
Bade, Richard et al (2024) The Science of the Total Environment, 920.

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Managing opioid withdrawal symptoms during the fentanyl crisis: a review
Weber, Andrea Nicole et al (2024) Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation, 15. pp. 59-71.

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Change in substance use among patients in opioid maintenance treatment: baseline to 1-year follow-up
Bjørnestad, Endre Dahlen et al (2024) Harm Reduction Journal, 21, (1).

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High-dose naloxone formulations are not as essential as we thought
Lemen, Paige M et al (2024) Harm Reduction Journal, 21.

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Evaluation of strategies to enhance community-based naloxone distribution supported by an opioid
Zang, Xiao et al (2024) JAMA Network Open, 7, (5).

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96-week retention in treatment with extended-release subcutaneous buprenorphine depot injections
among people with opioid dependence
Farrell, Michael et al (2024) International Journal of Drug Policy, 127.

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Weaving community-based participatory research and co-design to improve opioid use treatments and
services for youth, caregivers, and service providers
Turuba, Roxanne et al (2024) PLoS ONE, 19, (4).

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National opioid pharmacotherapy statistics annual data collection
(2024) Sydney: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

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Incident psychotic experiences following self-reported use of high-potency cannabis: results from a
longitudinal cohort study
Hines, Lindsey A et al (2024) Addiction, Early online.

[link removed]
The role of social deprivation and cannabis use in explaining variation in the incidence of
psychotic disorders: findings from the EU-GEI Study.
Brink, Vera et al (2024) Schizophrenia Bulletin, Early online,

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Persistent increased severity of cannabis use disorder symptoms in adolescents compared to adults: a
one-year longitudinal study
Lees, Rachel et al (2024) European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, Early online.

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Exploring causal mechanisms of psychosis risk
Oliver, Dominic et al (2024) Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 162.

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Age-dependent association of cannabis use with risk of psychotic disorder
McDonald, André J et al (2024) Psychological Medicine, Early online. pp. 1-11.

[link removed]
Persistent increased severity of cannabis use disorder symptoms in adolescents compared to adults: a
one-year longitudinal study
Lees, Rachel et al (2024) European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, Early online.

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Characteristics of commercial determinants of health research on corporate activities: a scoping
Burgess, Raquel C et al (2024) PLoS ONE, 19, (4).

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How has non-medical cannabis legalization served the health and welfare of under-age (adolescent)
youth in Canada?
Fischer, Benedikt et al (2024) The Lancet Regional Health - Americas, 35.

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Changes in self-reported cannabis use in the United States from 1979 to 2022
Caulkins, Jonathan P (2024) Addiction, Early online.

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Germany's cannabis act: a catalyst for European drug policy reform?
Manthey, Jakob et al (2024) The Lancet Regional Health - Europe, 42.

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Research letter. Edible cannabis legalization and cannabis poisonings in older adults
Stall, Nathan M et al (2024) JAMA Internal Medicine, Early online. 10.1001/jamainternmed.2024.1331

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I am curious about cannabis edibles - what should I know?
Zhang, Grace Y and Incze, Michael A (2024) JAMA Internal Medicine, Early online.

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Risk of adverse neonatal outcomes after combined prenatal cannabis and nicotine exposure
Crosland, B Adam et al (2024) JAMA Network Open, 7, (5). 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.10151

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Exploring experiences of drink and needle spiking incidents among Global Drug Survey respondents
from 22 countries
Davies, Emma L et al (2024) Journal of Drug Issues, Early online.

[link removed]
Evaluating the impact of minimum unit pricing (MUP) on alcohol sales after 3 years of implementation
in Scotland: a controlled interrupted time-series study
Giles, Lucie et al (2024) Addiction, Early online.

[link removed]
The early impact of the UK's new alcohol taxation system on product strength and price: an
exploratory comparative descriptive study
Burton, R et al (2024) Public Health, 232. pp. 61-67.

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Have declines in the prevalence of young adult drinking in English-speaking high-income countries
followed declines in youth drinking?
Dunphy, Jessica et al (2024) Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy, Early online.

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Excessive alcohol use and alcohol use disorders: a policy brief of the American College of
Crowley, Ryan et al (2024) Annals of Internal Medicine, Early online.

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Institute of Alcohol Studies - economy. [Webpage]
London: Institute of Alcohol Studies

[link removed]
Transdiagnosis of alcohol use and psychopathologies: a systematic review
de Aguiar, Ana Caroline Leite and Bloc, Lucas Guimarães (2024) Addictive Behaviors Reports, 19.

[link removed]
Pharmacological treatments for alcohol dependence: evidence on uptake, inequalities and comparative
effectiveness from a UK population-based cohort
Manca, Francesco et al (2024) Drug and Alcohol Review, Early online.

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Mixed messages? Exposure to reports about alcohol's suggested cardiovascular effects and hazardous
alcohol use: a cross-sectional study of patients in cardiology care
Welfordsson, Paul et al (2024) BMC Public Health, 24.

[link removed]
Is low-level alcohol consumption really health-protective? A critical review of approaches to
promote causal inference and recent applications
Visontay, Rachel et al (2024) Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research, 48, (5), pp. 771-780.

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Harm from the drinking of people you know: a range of effects from different relationships
Laslett, Anne-Marie et al (2024) Addiction, Early online.

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A global review of the impact on women from men's alcohol drinking: the need for responding with a
gendered lens
Wilson, Ingrid M et al (2024) Global Health Action, 17, (1).

[link removed]
Research summary. Handle with care: the need for responsible alcohol delivery
(2024) London: Alcohol Change UK

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Restricting the content of alcohol advertising and including text health warnings: a between-group
online experiment with a non-probability adult sample in the United Kingdom
Critchlow, Nathan et al (2024) Alcohol, Clinical & Experimental Research, Early online.

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The impacts of alcohol marketing and advertising, and the alcohol industry's views on marketing
regulations: systematic reviews of systematic reviews
Giesbrecht, Norman et al (2024) Drug and Alcohol Review, Early online.

[link removed]
Mobile apps to reduce depressive symptoms and alcohol use in youth: a systematic review and
meta-analysis: a systematic review
Magwood, Olivia et al (2024) Campbell Systematic Reviews, 20, (2). doi: 10.1002/cl2.1398

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The effects of alcohol use on smoking cessation treatment with nicotine replacement therapy: an
observational study
Wong, Benjamin K C et al (2024) Addictive Behaviors Reports, 155.

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The relationship between the price and demand of alcohol, tobacco, unhealthy food, sugar-sweetened
beverages, and gambling: an umbrella review of systematic reviews
Burton, Robyn et al (2024) BMC Public Health, 24.

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Trends in daily cigarette consumption among smokers: a population study in England, 2008-2023
Jackson, Sarah E et al (2024) Nicotine & Tobacco Research, Early online.

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Evolution and characteristics of studies estimating attributable mortality to second-hand smoke: a
systematic review
López-Medina, Diana C et al (2024) European Journal of Public Health, Early online.

[link removed]
Trends in vaping and smoking following the rise of disposable e-cigarettes: a repeat cross-sectional
study in England between 2016 and 2023
Tattan-Birch, Harry et al (2024) The Lancet Regional Health - Europe, Early online.

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Association of time spent on social media with youth cigarette smoking and e-cigarette use in the
UK: a national longitudinal study
Hopkinson, Nicholas S et al (2024) Thorax, Early online.

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A systematic review and meta-analysis of the association between e-cigarette use among non-tobacco
users and initiating smoking of combustible cigarettes
Kim, Mimi M et al (2024) Harm Reduction Journal, 21, (1).

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Hooking the next generation: how the tobacco industry captures young customers
(2024) Geneva: World Health Organization

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Preventing and countering the interference of tobacco industry: recommendations from the Joint
Action on Tobacco Control 2
Solimini, Renata et al (2024) Tobacco Prevention & Cessation, 10. doi: 10.18332/tpc/188094

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The relationship between gambling behaviour and gambling-related harm: a data fusion approach using
open banking data.
Zendle, David and Newall, Philip (2024) Addiction, Early online.

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Minister for Health commences law to ban the sale of tobacco products and nicotine inhaling products
by self-service
[Department of Health] (31 May 2024)

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Minister Chambers signs mandatory roadside drug testing provisions into law.
[Department of Transport] (29 May 2024)

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'Non-stop, incessant' lobbying to water down new gambling laws
[Irish Examiner] Murray, Sean (27 May 2024)

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‘The objective is to save lives’ – Work to start on Ireland’s first medically-supervised drug
injection site.
[] Bracken, Ali (26 May 2024)

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'Vast majority' of large quantity drug possession sentences avoid 10-year minimum jail term.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (20 May 2024)

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US public alerts: Medetomidine rapidly proliferating across USA — implicated in recreational opioid
drug supply & causing overdose outbreaks
Center for Forensic Science Research & Education. (20 May 2024)

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Limerick gains three new community policing sergeants to tackle city issues.
[Limerick Post] O'Donovan, Katie (16 May 2024)

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Ministers for Health announce government approval to raise the age of sale of tobacco to 21
[Department of Health] (14 May 2024)

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Dail Debates
Oireachtas debates
Questions 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 – Urban development [task force for Dublin city centre] [
[link removed]
] (29 May)
Question 108 – Tobacco control measures [
[link removed]
]. (28 May)
Ceisteanna ó Cheannairí - Leaders' questions [cocaine] [
[link removed]
] (23 May)
Question 115 – Departmental policies [Alcohol age]. [
[link removed]
] (22 May)
Question 123 – Legislative process [Alcohol Bill] [23141/24]. [
[link removed]
] (22 May)
Question 449 – An Garda Síochána. [
[link removed]
] (21 May)
Question 467 – An Garda Síochána [Roads]. [
[link removed]
] (21 May)
Question 86 – Illicit trade [Tobacco]. [
[link removed]
] (21 May)
Question 261 – Healthcare policy [Alcohol & children]. [
[link removed]
] (16 May)
Question 53 – Road safety. [
[link removed]
] (16 May)
Questions 256, 257, 258, 259, 260 – Tobacco control measures. [
[link removed]
] (16 May)
Question 106 – Tobacco control measures. [
[link removed]
] (15 May)
Seanad Éireann debate - Gambling Regulation Bill 2022: Second Stage. [
[link removed]
] (14 May)
Question 152 – Illicit trade [Tobacco]. [
[link removed]
] (08 May)
Joint Committee on Health debate. Implementation of Slaintecare reforms: Department of Health and
HSE [Medicinal cannabis]. [
[link removed]
] (08 May)
Question 2 – Cannabis for medical use [19872/24]. [
[link removed]
] (02 May)
Question 295 – Medicinal products [Medicinal cannabis] [20060/24]. [
[link removed]
] (02 May)
Question 197 – Legislative programme [Alcohol] [19663/24]. [
[link removed]
] (01 May)
Vol. 1053 No.3 – Gambling Regulation Bill 2022: Report Stage (Resumed) and Final Stage. [
[link removed]
] (01 May)
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