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Whatever the election result, we want better transport

Hi Supporter

The Prime Minister has called a General Election for 4 July. Can you help to grasp the opportunity this offers to put public transport front and centre for politicians? We need to be poised to react to transport proposals, and primed to be the voice for the people who rely on public transport.

My name is Ben Curtis, and I am responsible for our political campaigning at Campaign for Better Transport. I am emailing you today to ask for your help. Can you donate, and help us grasp all the opportunities the election offers?

Yes, I can donate

Your donation will help to keep sustainable public transport on the agenda

In order to make public transport a priority for all parties we have bold plans that we hope you will help to realise.

Over the course of the next few weeks, we want to help supporters like you contact parliamentary candidates and find out their positions on vital public transport issues. I will contact candidates and share our manifesto for transport, and make sure public transport is high up the agenda.

This is a crucial opportunity to build knowledge and foster relationships that will help our campaigning for the next five years. Together we can make sure better transport is a high priority for our next government, whoever they are. If you can, please donate today.

Yes, I can donate

Please help grasp this opportunity to campaign for better transport

After the election, we will need to keep this momentum. We plan to hold a series of events for new MPs to bring them up to speed on local, regional and national transport policy.

We have spent the last two years preparing for this long-promised General Election. We have kept strong relations with each of the main political parties, their transport representatives and their advisers. We have submitted representations to their manifestos, and we have spoken at their events. Now we need to keep up the pressure.

Can you help to make sure that whatever happens during this election, we can be ready, by donating today?

Yes, I can donate
Thank you for your ongoing support. I’m proud to be campaigning alongside you for better transport.

Ben Curtis
Head of External Affairs, Campaign for Better Transport

P.S. Please donate to help ensure that whatever the election result, we get better transport. Together, we can ensure public transport gets the recognition it deserves from all candidates and is a high priority for our next government
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