June 03, 2024
Convicting President Trump may have been the left's worst mistake yet. In
this episode, I discuss the fallout following the Trump trial and how much
the left has hurt itself.
New Transcripts: Fauci Admits "Science" Behind 6-Feet Social Distancing Was
Made Up - Can't Name Single Study to Support Masking Kids
According to newly released transcripts of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s
congressional testimony, he admitted that there was no evidence to support
both social distancing measures and masking children.
Watch: Propaganda Press Gleeful Over Soviet-Style Trump Verdict
Americans across the country have reacted to the Soviet-style show trial
and conviction of former President Donald Trump by posting upside-down
flags to signify the end of our democratic system and by donating in droves
to Trump’s campaign. This morning, Trump announced he’d raised $34.8
million from small-dollar donors alone.
TRENDING VIDEO: Trump Campaign Raking in Record Donations Following
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