Friends, In case you missed the news, here are some headlines about the recent SCOTUS decision on gerrymandering that we think hit the nail on the head: "The Supreme Court's New Voting Rights Decision Is A Love Letter To Gerrymandering" – Vox "Supreme Court Sides With Republicans Over South Carolina Voting Map" – The New York Times "Samuel Alito’s Opinions Are Just As Upside-Down As His Flag" – The Nation "Justice Alito For Republican Justices, Over The Dissent Of Democratic Justices, Rewrites Racial Gerrymandering Standards To Help White Republican States" – Election Law Blog "Supreme Court Approves South Carolina Congressional Map Previously Found To Dilute Black Voting Power" – CNN "SCOTUS Approves Racially Gerrymandered South Carolina Voting Map" – Democracy Now! "US Supreme Court Upholds South Carolina Congressional Map, Dismantles Racial Gerrymandering Precedent" – Democracy Docket Does any of this sound as alarming to you as it does to us? If so, hit this button here now to fuel our fight against gerrymandering and help more voters from having their voices silenced. Onto the next one, friends. — The NDRC
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