Getting ready for electoral engagement - get the budget to the finish
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June 2024 Pulse of PA

📋 Looking for action in 2024? Come out to learn more on June 18th.

🌱 Join the PA and be ready for the PAC Endorsement Vote in September. If you have not previously been a member you must join by July 5th to vote at the meeting.

💚 Meet other members at our monthly hangout

📢 Get involved with one of our action teams

🎇 Roots of Durham July 4th event

Have questions or updates that you’d like to include in the next Pulse of PA? Email us at [email protected] 💻

Making Progress

City Council PA Budget Priorities

Included in FY25

  • Five Million for Lead clean up and identifying additional contaminants
  • Wage Increases for City Staff Following the Pay Study 
  • Durham’s Guaranteed Income Pilot Program

Action needed

Staff Member to Leverage Federal Environmental Grant Opportunities 

How much does it cost? $80,000 - Current budget only allocates $25,000 for a contractor

This request adds staff capacity to identify and apply for the multiple new federal funding opportunities to address environmental justice and support consumers in reducing carbon consumption. These funds were made available at the federal level via the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the Inflation Reduction Act.

Additional $200,000 for Guaranteed income to support the operating costs of Step Up in program implementation

Please visit the PA Blog for our FY25 budget priorities. 

Join/renew for 2024 now

Welcome Jamie Parlier - New Member Organizer

Some of you may have interacted with Jamie in the last year as one of the PA's member leaders.

During this year Jamie has discovered that her true passion lies in combating corporate greed and finding solutions for wealth disparity in North Carolina. Jamie considers PA her political and advocacy home and brings relational and communication expertise to the position.


(pictured here: Carina Block and Jamie canvassing)

Already a member? Consider making a donation to the PA PAC or PA Fund! Renew to vote in September PAC Endorsement Meeting

Join/Renew for 2024

3. Gather with other members at our monthly hangout. What are your plans for 2024? We have ideas!

We had great new member hangouts in this Spring and we’d love to see you at the next one on Thursday, June 13th from 6:00-8pm at the Durham Food Coop! RSVP here to let us know you’ll be there! 

Ready to get going for 2024? Join PA members who will be reaching out to other PA members about organizing in the Fall. June 18th at the Triangle Coffee House.

People's Alliance Monthly Hangout!!

4. Take action with an issue team

Our action teams are welcoming new members who want to organize for progressive policy changes in Durham! Join us at one of the upcoming meetings: 

  • The Child and Family team works to advocate for policies and spending that center the needs of families. Our next meeting is on Monday, June 17, from 7-8:30pm at the People’s Solidarity Hub. RSVP here.
  • The Education team is focused on school safety and support for exceptional children. The next meeting is on Tuesday, June 21, from 8-9:30pm on Zoom. Register here

P.S. Let us know how you’d like to be involved with the PA this year by filling out our Member Interest Form here! Email us at [email protected] with any questions or updates that you’d like to include in the next Pulse of PA 💻

People's Alliance

Join/Renew for 2024

People's Alliance · PO Box 2935, Durham, NC 27715, United States
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