
You know that I'm committed to standing up for rural communities and ensuring they have a strong voice in policy decisions. But did you know I am a part of a national movement to bring rural voices to Washington to make sure rural priorities are Washington's priorities?

I joined the One Country Project with former U.S. Senator Heidi Heitkamp because I know what it is like when rural towns and communities are left behind by national policy makers: We suffer and they don't even know it. I am proud of the One Country Project's work on rural broadband, healthcare, voting rights, and so much more.

This week, we are hosting our annual Rural Progress Summit, and you won't want to miss it. Other board members and I will be hosting discussions on rural healthcare, the 2024 election, rural education, and so much more. This is a great opportunity to hear from some of the most knowledgeable experts, legislators, and policymakers on how we can solve the problems rural Americans are facing.

The Summit is hosted on Zoom and is free to attend. RSVP today, and join me at this year's Rural Progress Summit!

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Stand Tall for All,


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