Earlier this month, I was honored to be recognized as a Champion of Healthcare Price Transparency at the National Healthcare Price Transparency Conference.
In the U.S. Senate, I’ve fought for more transparency in healthcare billing practices and will continue to work toward that goal for my last few months in Washington, D.C.
As your next Governor, increasing healthcare transparency and decreasing costs will be among my top priorities.
The truth is our state is in desperate need of reform. Indiana hospital costs are in the top ten highest in the nation, and many Hoosiers struggle to pay their healthcare bills.
I firmly believe you should have the right to know how much a product or service costs before making your purchase. This system works to keep prices down in practically every other industry, and there’s no reason healthcare should be an exception to the rule!
If you agree, I hope you’ll continue to support my campaign for Governor. Together, we’ll make quality healthcare more transparent and affordable for all Hoosiers.
-Mike Braun