FF and FG can't go back to business as usual.

Hi John,

Fianna Fail and Fine Gael have just finalized a framework document which could form the basis for the policy of our next government. They'll now bring this to other parties and groups of independents and enter negotiations to form a government.

I'll call my TD to tell them that they must put people and planet at the centre of negotiations with FF and FG.

We need to ask TDs in all parties to tell their leaders and negotiators today that they must focus on a recovery centering sustainable, healthy, fair communities and a reduction in emissions to contain climate breakdown. We cannot risk unambitious or unfair climate action.

We had a wonderful call-a-thon last week where people of all ages from across the country got together to call our TDs. Being together means we can help each other, feedback what we've heard and give each other support.

This week is crucial so we're going to have another one tomorrow, Wed 15th April at 5pm.

I'll join in and call my TD!

Can't call your TD? Then take 2 minutes to email them!

I'll email now.

The next five years are crucial, take action with us,

In hope,

Catherine Devitt.

Policy Co-ordinator

Stop Climate Chaos Coalition


Hi John,

As we speak, Fianna Fail and Fine Gael are forming a government. They are deciding what the priorities for Ireland for the next five years are. They'll be approaching other parties with their plan next week.

We know those priorities must be a fair recovery from this health crisis and faster climate action. But there's a risk that they focus on a return to business as usual. This cannot happen.

I'll email my TDs now

FF and FG are the only parties whose leaders did not sign the One Future pledge for Faster and Fairer Climate Action. They only want to cut emissions by 2% a year when the science says it needs to be at least 8%. We need to bend the emissions curve rapidly, they are content to just nudge it.

Rightly, the immediate imperative for a new government is to contain the COVID 19 pandemic, keep citizens safe. Its also to look to to how our society recovers.

We need to ask TDs in all parties to tell their leaders and negotiators today that this recovery must focus on sustainable, healthy, fair communities and a reduction in emissions to contain climate breakdown. We cannot risk unambitious or unfair climate action.

I want a fair recovery and faster climate action

This is really it.

A call to a TD is one of the most impactful things you can do. After you email, join us online together at 5pm today Thursday 9th March and we'll call our TDs together. We'll support you with everything you need. You can pop in anytime between 5 and 6pm. Click the button to get the link.

I'll join the call-a-thon!

The new Government's plans are a crucial chance to reinvent our economy so it is more sustainable, more resilient and more equal.

As we grieve and feel the toll of the pandemic, we have also seen the deep community and care that exists in our society. We know what's good. We know what future we want. Let's make sure that our politicians can't ignore us.

In hope,

Catherine Devitt,

Policy Co-ordinator

Stop Climate Chaos Coalition

P.S. TDs are stepping up talks about a new Government this weekend. Do email them to tell them climate action must be central to their economic plans.

P.S Superpower your action by emailing and then joining us to follow up with a call.

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