Dear Supporters,
Dr Sam Perlo-Freeman, CAAT’s Research Coordinator, is giving our anniversary lecture Campaign Against Arms Trade at 50: Resistance to the arms trade in a changing world.
The event is at 6.30pm on Wednesday, 19th June at the LSE Library, 10 Portugal Street London WC2A 2HD; it will be chaired by Dr Luc-Andre Brunet, Senior Lecturer in Contemporary International History at the Open University and Co-Director of the Peace and Security Project at LSE IDEAS.
You are warmly invited to come in person to join us. Tickets are free but spaces in the lecture hall are limited. Please follow this link to learn more and reserve a space:
Do let us know you are coming by sending a message to me – [email protected]
LSE Library are the custodians of the CAAT archives, which are open to all to consult. A selection of items from CAAT's archives is currently on display at the LSE Library exhibition A Say in the End of the World which you can view before and after the talk: https://www.lse.ac.uk/library/whats-on/exhibitions (the exhibition is open until September).
With best wishes,
Charles Wright
Supporter Development Manager
Campaign Against Arms Trade
PS The lecture will be recorded and available to watch at a later date via the LSE Library’s YouTube channel.
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