Minnesota Senator Eric Lucero banner image

Dear Friends and Neighbors,


I hope summer is off to a great start for you and your family! The best part of the role as public servant is connecting with the great people of our community and I’m looking forward connecting with you. There are many events occurring all summer long I hope to see you. This coming Saturday June 8 from 9:30 – 11 AM, I will be joining Sen. Bahr, Rep. Novotny, and Rep. Scott for a joint town hall at Oak Grove City Hall. This coming Sunday at 12:30, Rep. Hudson and I will be participating in the Albertville Friendly City Days Parade.



We are still learning what happened on the final night when Democrats in both the House and Senate decided to throw away the rules and ram through a massive 1,400+ page bill. One would have had to read ~23 pages per minute in the approximate one hour the bill was publicly available to read prior to voting. Obviously not physically possible. To punctuate how massive the bill was, it’s been 15-days since the vote and non-partisan legislative staff have still yet to even provide a summary of what was in the bill.

Sen. Lucero correcting corporate media's attempt to whitewash Democrats' violating the rules and Constitution.

What Democrats did the last two years with billions-upon-billions in surplus taxpayer dollars.




There are a few key political reasons why Democrats were incentivized to rush their agenda through the legislative process despite having the ability to call a special legislative session to give bills the time our state constitution requires. The Democrat’s House majority is at stake this November, and several pseudo-moderate Democrat legislators will be returning to their districts asking constituents to re-elect them after participating as co-conspirators passing the most far-left agenda in Minnesota history. These pseudo-moderate incumbent House Democrats have a very hard time defending their record to voters who know the truth, and can’t lose campaign time to a special session nor afford any more radical votes close to the election. In fact, one of the few remaining Democrats still attempting to portray themselves a moderate, Representative Dave Lislegard, this past week announced he will not run for re-election. The long time Democrat stronghold in Minnesota’s Iron Range will likely be fully represented by Republicans in the House after the election this November. After Rep. Lislegard is replaced, the era of rural, moderate Democrats is fully dead and replaced with far-left, metro centric, radical Democrats.



The Democrat’s 1-vote majority in the Senate is at stake before the election this November due to Sen. Mitchell’s arrest and subsequent charge of 1st degree felony burglary. During Sen. Mitchell’s Senate Ethic’s Hearing earlier this month, Democrats made it abundantly clear Democrats had zero interest upholding integrity or holding Sen. Mitchell accountable until after Democrats use her deciding vote to force through the Democrat’s far-left agenda. Now that the legislative session is over with Democrat final bills voted upon in direct conflict with the Constitution, the Democrat Party is free to discard Sen. Mitchell in a clearly shallow attempt to save face. Democrat Party Chairman Ken Martin released a statement last week doing exactly that in a call for Sen. Mitchell to resign.

What Democrats mean to say is: "Now that we've disregarded ethics, truth, and doing what's right just long enough to hold onto power by our fingertips using Mitchell's vote to pass our anti-Minnesota agenda, we safely release this empty call for Mitchell to resign."


Absolutely zero has changed in Sen. Mitchell’s case since the Ethics hearing and floor votes in which Democrats refused to demand any accountability for Sen. Mitchell. No new information has been released that explains why the Democrat Party went from insisting nobody rush to judgement despite the abundant evidence of her wrongdoing, to suddenly calling on her to resign. The only thing that has changed is her vote is no longer needed since session is over and Democrats successfully passed their far-left priorities. It shouldn’t come as any surprise if we see more Democrat legislators have a sudden change of heart, and join Ken Martin in calling for Sen. Mitchell’s resignation after previously defending her.

Nothing changed between May 19 and May 30. Gov. Walz and the Democrat Party twist truth and simply exploit people and process to retain power before discarding when people no longer benefit them. The disdain corrupt Democrats have for Minnesota shocks the conscience.


Despite these efforts to backtrack on support for a legislator charged with felony burglary, it also wouldn’t be surprising if Democrats double down on their power trip just as they have consistently done over the last two years. Calls for resignation have no effect on Sen. Mitchell if she chooses to ignore them, which her lawyers said she would do in a statement responding to Democrat Party Chair Ken Martin. Democrats do have another choice Democrats have thus far continued to ignore. Democrats could work with Republicans in a bipartisan fashion to uphold integrity, the public trust, and remove Sen. Mitchell immediately, but this is very unlikely to happen.

It is clear the Democrat Party and Democrat controlled government will NOT do anything to meaningfully hold their own members accountable. In the mind of Democrats, loyalty to party tribe is MUCH MORE important than loyalty to the Constitution, our Republic, or truth. The only place Democrats may face accountability will be in the courtroom where the constitutionality of a 1,400 page bill with multiple wide-ranging subjects may be challenged, and where Sen. Mitchell will have to face a judge for her felony burglary charge. Even if all institutions fail, voters will still have an opportunity this Fall to hold Democrats accountable in November for the far-left partisan agenda passed over the last few years, and the complete abandonment of rules, ethics, integrity, and the public trust.



A victory for truth for sure! Unfortunately, it appears Moriarty is signaling her hand was forced and gives the impression she intends to continue her rampage against our great law enforcement professionals at the next opportunity she can.

Years of efforts by Democrats to defund and dismantle police has demoralized the ranks while emboldening criminals. We MUST support our brave law enforcement officers who risk their lives to protect ours! We mourn the tragic death of fallen Officer Jamal Mitchell at the hands of a cold-blooded killer.

Sen. Lucero Wednesday evening last week discussing the current political landscape, policies pushed by extremist Democrats, and the future of Minnesota.

Sen. Lucero Thursday evening last week attending a community event in Otsego.

Sen. Lucero wore his cyber security professional hat Tuesday last week while joining the Silver Saints luncheon to present and discuss social engineering and steps seniors can take to avoid falling victim to financial fraudsters and scammers.

High cost of rent and home ownership is impacting everybody. As the Republican lead on the Senate Housing Committee, Sen. Lucero prioritizes working to reduce regulations and increase supply. Meanwhile, Democrats continue passing crippling regulations making the problem worse.

Destructive Democrat policies at the state and national levels are robbing young people of opportunity crushing hopes and dreams.

Election denier Hillary Clinton asserts more could have been done to fight.

The UN and their court are illegitimate and have zero credibility.

Climate change being blamed for death at 29,000 feet.


Staying In Touch


Each and every day I’m continuously humbled at the opportunity to represent and fight for the values and priorities of our great community!


Please contact me to share any issues, concerns, or feedback you have to assist me best represent you. The best way to reach me is by email at [email protected] or by phone at 651-296-5655.



Eric Lucero


State Senator

District 30

Rockford Township, Hanover, Saint Michael, Albertville, Otsego, Elk River, Nowthen, Western Oak Grove 

Capitol Address

95 University Avenue W.
Minnesota Senate Bldg. 2413
St. Paul, MN 55155
