Episode 204 uploaded June 2: Sam Goldman discusses the historic guilty verdict against Trump (34 felonies for falsifying business
records to cover up hush money payments to Stormy Daniels, all for the
purposes of ensuring his illegitimate election in 2016), along with the
slew of unhinged fascist threats and rants that have come in the
aftermath of the verdict.
Then, Sam speaks with two contributors to the June issue of The New Republic titled What American Fascism Would Look Like. Emmanuel Guerisoli discusses his essay The “Day One” Dictatorship
(co-authored by Federico Finchelstein). Then, Francisco Goldman discusses his essay From Texas to Massachusetts: On the border in a fascist America. Francisco is a novelist and journalist.
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Emmanuel Guerisoli:
The Constitution of the United States does provide the executive US president with a lot of power. Trump, in a discursive level has said, I will implement a dictatorship on day one. There is the other type of presidential powers that Trump could actually abuse in a much more serious way : Article II which is the emergency powers.
Francisco Goldman:
He says he's going to deport up to 20 million people a warlike action against civilians in this country to cause that much suffering. So massive, so cruel. You know, what happens if you demonize people in that way? If you dehumanize people in such an ugly way? What kind of violence are you inviting against them? History's taught us what happens when you do that.

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