By Gary Bono

NEW YORK – This city’s bus and subway workers are dying at a faster rate than their counterparts anywhere across the country. The shocking death rate among the employees of the New York Transit system is triple the death rate for any other group of front line workers in this city.
More than 7,500 have been either infected or are in quarantine, with at least 41 dead.
The alarming death rate would not be as horrific as it is, transit workers say, had the Transit Authority and its parent body, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, not ignored the desperate pleas of the workers for protection before the coronavirus crisis exploded in New York City.
The Metropolitan Transportation Authority, (MTA), the State-run agency that oversees the mass transportation system in New York, is keeping the system running and demanding that transit employees continue to report to work, despite worker demands for an emergency shutdown to slow the daily death rate....