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Eagle Forum
Fidelity With Benefits
June 3, 2024
by Anne Schlafly, Chairman, Eagle Forum

The lyrics of popular music have always centered on love and heartbreak. These emotional songs touch us because we all yearn for everlasting love. Taylor Swift's biggest hits include these lines: "You told me you loved me, so why did you go away?" and "I never thought we'd have a last kiss; I never imagined we'd end like this."

Love does not have to be fleeting. For love to last, fidelity is the key. Without fidelity, love is just a passing fancy. It is only with faithfulness and fidelity that we can find fulfillment.

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Anne Schlafly is the daughter of Phyllis Schlafly (1924-2016), Chairman of Eagle Forum, and the author of Faithfully, Phyllis In the Kitchen: the Phyllis Schlafly CookbookHow to Speak Liberal, and Is Our Constitution in Jeopardy? 
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This fun answer-and-question is an easy way to learn about the U.S. Constitution and appropriate for all ages. All Americans should understand the individual rights that our Constitution guarantees. 120-pages — Anne Schlafly 

 Is Our Constitution in Jeopardy? 

$20.00 each

Quantity discount: 10 @ $15 each; 25 @ $10 each

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