WATCH: Autumn Lectures 2023 – Episode 5

Whole counsel of God

Dear supporter,

The fifth episode of the Autumn Lectures series from The Christian Institute is now available to watch online.

Whole counsel of God

Video: Whole counsel of God

Christ’s death and resurrection are the heart of the Gospel. But the Gospel does not just stop at our conversion. God’s word gives vital principles for living today and prepares us for our life to come. If the Church is to grow like Christ, “the whole counsel of God” must be our guide (Acts 20:27). All of life is to be brought under the lordship of Christ and false teaching is to be challenged.

Revd Dr William Philip  

Revd Dr William Philip has been Senior Minister of The Tron Church in Glasgow since 2004. He is Chairman of Cornhill Scotland and a trustee of The Christian Institute.


Yours in Christ,
Ciarán Kelly
Ciarán Kelly
Acting Director
The Christian Institute

The 2023 Autumn Lectures were held between 30 October and 27 November 2023 at Elswick Parish Church, Newcastle upon Tyne.