Please take a moment to fill out Pat’s June Priorities Survey.

Pat Ryan for Congress

Hi team,

It’s safe to say that June may be our campaign’s most important month yet. The New York statewide primary is later this month, and in just a few weeks Pat will officially be running in the general election to defend his seat.

His opponents have been ramping up their efforts to defeat Pat and grow their House majority in recent weeks. House Republicans’ super PAC just launched a $21 million ad buy attacking Pat that’s already hit the airwaves in the Hudson Valley, and Donald Trump himself recently came to New York to campaign for Republicans.

We expected this, and we’re ramping up our campaign operations accordingly to defend Pat from the barrage of attacks headed his way.

But Pat also wants to ensure he doesn’t lose sight of what’s most important — you. Pat isn’t running for reelection to Congress just for the title. He’s running to continue delivering meaningful results for the Hudson Valley, and it’s important that he hears from folks like you so that he knows he’s on the right track.

So team, will you take a moment to complete Pat’s June Priorities Survey before he officially enters the general election?


Your responses will continue to guide Pat's work in Congress and his priorities on the campaign trail. Thank you.

— Pat Ryan HQ