Babin Bulletin | June 2, 2024 Click here if you have trouble viewing this email

Reacting to Trump's Trial Verdict
Every American knows this trial was rigged from the start.

Donald Trump is being politically persecuted, and it CANNOT stand!

Biden and the Democrats have weaponized the government and are destroying our nation and everything we hold dear.

Our future is on the line – Americans can no longer stand by silently on the sideline while Joe Biden turns our nation into a banana republic. This is blatant election interference – in every sense of the term.

God help us.
The Supreme Court Rules in Favor of NRA in Key First Amendment Case
The Supreme Court unanimously ruled that NY officials violated the First Amendment by forcing insurance/banking companies to no longer do business with the NRA.

This is a big win for free speech and a stark reminder to leftists attempting to punish companies with opposing views.

To read article, please click here.
U.S. Forced to Halt Gaza Aid Deliveries After the Biden Administration's "Floating Pier" Starts to Sink
Biden spent $320 million of your tax dollars constructing a floating dock to transport aid into Gaza just for it to be destroyed by the weather in a week.

Oh, and the Palestinians still haven’t received the aid. I wonder who has it?

Surely not Hamas terrorists...

To read article, please click here.
Congratulating Colonel Bif French
I’m thrilled to have had the opportunity to drop by the 147th Attack Wing earlier last week to pay my respects to its leadership before yesterday's Assumption of Command Ceremony.

Congratulations again to Col. Bif French on being named the 41st Wing Commander of this historic unit!

I had a great visit with him, Deputy Wing Commander Col. Kelly Bean, Command Chief CMSgt. Bennie Bellvin, and Deputy Adjutant General-Air Brig. Gen. Andrew Camacho.

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A New Low
You know you’ve sunk to a new low when the Ayatollah commends your actions.

If any American is so ignorant to believe the “right side of history” is standing with an evil tyrant of a nation that’s the world’s lead sponsor of terrorism... they’re no true American.
The Biden Effect
It’s no coincidence that CBP has lost nearly a quarter of its workforce since Biden took office.

This president opened the border that agents are tasked with protecting, then tied their hands and made them watch our national security unravel.

To read article, please click here.
Visiting Venus Aerospace
On Friday, Senator Ted Cruz and I visited Venus Aerospace to celebrate the passage of the 2024 FAA Reauthorization.

Venus is a cutting-edge company laser-focused on engineering the future of hypersonic flight – a critical capability that will keep America in the driver’s seat on many fronts.

I’m incredibly proud of the work Venus is doing and honored to represent such a company in TX-36!

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Major University Leaders Admit They Haven't Suspended Disruptive Pro-Palestinian Protesters
Liberal universities are afraid to enforce their own policies.

Students supporting terrorists, threatening Jewish students, and disrupting classes must be held accountable.

To read article, please click here.
A Political Hit Job
If they can do it to President Donald Trump, they will do it to you.
Speaking to BAHEP
 Thank you to the Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership (BAHEP) for hosting me for a legislative update on Tuesday.

I hit on a wide range of topics and policies making their way through Congress that directly impact and support our region, the Johnson Space Center, surrounding commercial space partners, Joint Base Ellington Field, and the coastal barrier.

I also detailed my requests for specific appropriation funding to finally kick-start long-awaited flood mitigation projects in Clear Creek and several other neighboring communities.

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The Steep Cost of Biden's Regulations
 "The Job Creators Network estimated that new regulations in the first two years of Biden’s administration have led to an average of $10,000 in present and future costs to American households.”

You’re paying for an agenda that puts you and America LAST.

To read article, please click here.
 Calling for Rep. Tlaib's Removal From Congress
Rep. Tlaib has repeatedly demonstrated she’s anti-American and pro-terrorist.

It’s past time she’s removed from Congress!

To read article, please click here.
Likely U.S. Voters Prefer Deporting Illegal Aliens Over Amnesty
  The majority of American voters say they’d support policies to deport the millions of illegal aliens in the country.

U.S. taxpayers shouldn’t have to pay billions medicating, educating, and incarcerating those who shouldn’t even be here!

To read article, please click here.
Democrat Logic
 Democrat logic: They oppose gang registries and criminal prosecutions while supporting policies to enact federal gun registries.

It’s absolutely preposterous.

To read article, please click here.
Hurricane Season Is Underway
 Hurricane season is officially underway.

Use the QR code below to track any storms heading our way!

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Apply for Disaster Assistance
Individuals with storm damage in Harris, Liberty, Hardin, and Jasper counties can apply with FEMA in the following ways:

1. Apply online at

2. Call the application phone number at 1-800-621-3362 (TTY: 800-462-7585).

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Let Us Help You
We are ready to assist you! We know how to cut through bureaucratic red tape and can get you answers. Please feel free to call or stop by one of our offices.

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Let us work on your behalf!

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