News From Congressman Bilirakis


June 2, 2024

Dear Neighbor,

Serving as your voice in Washington is one of the greatest privileges of my life.  As I meet with more and more of our neighbors throughout the district, I keep hearing reoccurring themes: the majority of my constituents are concerned about the direction of our country and are struggling to cope with crippling inflation.  Your input helps guide my work in Washington and I am grateful to those of you who take the time to share your input.  It truly makes me a better Member of Congress.  Please continue reading for a brief overview of my work on your behalf.  

Making Washington Work for You: Fighting for our Nation’s Heroes:   I will not rest until the injustice of concurrent receipt is fixed and our heroes get the full pay and benefits they’ve earned, which is why I am pressing my colleagues to take up my Major Richard Star Act.  Click here to learn more.   

Preventing Government Overreach:  At a time when the majority of American’s faith in their government is at a historic low point, it is unfathomable to me that President Biden is eager to create a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).  Many of my constituents have expressed legitimate concerns about this Communist Chinese-style surveillance tool that could be weaponized by the Administration to oppress the American way of life. CBDCs are a digital form of sovereign currency, designed and issued by the federal government, and they give the federal government the ability to choke off politically unpopular activity.  That is why I recently voted in favor of the CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act which protects Americans’ right to financial privacy by halting unelected bureaucrats from issuing a CBDC. 


Securing our Border:  While I commend Florida’s law enforcement officials for doing a great job getting fentanyl off our streets, the staggering numbers in this report demonstrate how catastrophic Biden’s border crisis has been for the entire country.  We’ve simply got to secure the border!  


Demanding Accountability:  Concerned about his approval ratings and high gas prices, President Biden has announced that is siphoning yet another one million barrels of gasoline from our nation’s emergency supply.   While the President may be trying to artificially lower prices at the pump before voting begins for the November elections, his actions are dangerous!   In 2022 alone, Biden drained 37 percent of the SPR, with a substantial amount going to China. He continued in 2023, causing the SPR to reach a 40-year low. The SPR already sits 42% lower than when Biden took office, and further draining it only makes us more beholden to foreign powers for our energy supply in the case of an emergency, like a hurricane. Americans deserve accountability for these irresponsible policy decisions.  


Restoring Fiscal Sanity:  Bidenflation continues to crush all Americans, especially the most vulnerable.  With almost 20% inflation since Biden took office, it’s not difficult to understand why families are struggling.  It’s time to restore fiscal sanity.

Learning from You Here at Home:  Last week, my team and I had the opportunity to participate in several Memorial Day ceremonies throughout Pasco, Hernando and Citrus counties.  I was heartened to see so many of our neighbors gathering together to honor the memory of those who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our country.  We owe them and their families a debt of gratitude that can never fully be repaid!


Calling All Local Veterans:  If you are a Veteran or have a Veteran in your family, please mark your calendars for June 8th at 10:00 am.  I’ll be holding my annual Veterans Resource Fair.  My team and I would love to see you!


Celebrating Success:  Congratulations to my constituent, Jamie Suarez, for being named as one of five finalists for Florida’s Teacher of the Year Award.  She teaches at the Challenger K-8 School of Science and Mathematics in Hernando County.  Congratulations on this prestigious accomplishment and thank you for your dedication to the children of our community!  Click here to learn more. 


I am also so glad to see the Kings Bay Restoration Project continuing to achieve positive results.  This is a perfect example of how a public- private partnership can be beneficial in helping us preserve and protect our natural resources –and I love that it is involving children so they understand this critical responsibility.  

Also, I’m proud to once again be recognized for outstanding constituent service and communication.  My team is here to help if you are struggling with a federal agency.  Call 727-232-2921 to speak with someone today.  We are here to serve you!  

Additionally, I was honored to accept the Award for Conservative Achievement from CPAC recently.   I will keep fighting for conservative values and to restore an America-First agenda.   


Community Connection

I am fortunate to have a team of dedicated staff who regularly attend events throughout our community, especially when I am required to be in Washington, DC. Through their collective efforts, I am better able to stay connected to the issues that matter most to my constituents. As part of my commitment to developing a better understanding of the issues facing constituents in Citrus, Hernando and Pasco counties, members of my team attended several events last week.  Here are a few highlights.

My team attended HPH Hospice's Seeds of Hope event in Hernando County.  The goal was to strengthen programs to help grieving constituents throughout our community.  


My team also enjoyed participating in the Brooksville Rotary's May Fellowship Meeting. 


Additionally, my team was proud to support this year's Feeding Pasco's Elderly Annual Breakfast.  This amazing organization helps to eliminate the waiting list for seniors to participate in the Meals on Wheels program.    


Constituent Corner

My team recently received this message after helping a constituent with obtaining a copy of his military records. 

I wanted to personally thank you for getting my DD 214 for me.  After MANY years of trying on my own, you accomplished what I could not.

This is just one example of the work we do each day.  Constituent services are a critical element of our congressional office. The federal government is a massive operation, and my office is available if you ever need assistance in navigating the bureaucracy or cutting through red tape. We are here to serve you!  



Gus Bilirakis
Member of Congress

Rep. Gus Bilirakis | 2354 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515