This needs your attention immediately: We just missed our FIRST fundraising deadline since Trump’s sham conviction!
And it gets worse… We fell short right after the news broke of a Liberal Super PAC unleashing 100 million dollars to destroy our Pro-Trump House Majority.
We can’t hand power over to the Radical Democrats who just convicted President Trump!
If there’s any hope to defeat them, we need your help right now. Because if not enough American Patriots step up, we’ll be forced to:
>>> SLASH our voter contact budgets
>>> PULL our ads off the airwaves
>>> TURN OFF fundraising efforts in some key districts
>>> CUT BACK doorknocking schedules
>>> And END critical get-out-the-vote operations
The repercussions of doing so cannot be overstated. If we fall any further behind, we might as well say GOODBYE to our Pro-Trump House Majority.
The difference between delivering a strong House Majority for President Trump and a COMPLETE DEMOCRAT TAKEOVER comes down to this. If we keep missing deadlines, we’re cooked!
I’m launching my brand new ELECTION YEAR CHECK-IN – this gives you an open line of communication directly with me and my team. I’m humbly asking you to provide any feedback you’d be willing to share with me.
Paid for by TEAM SCALISE, a joint fundraising committee authorized by and to benefit SCALISE FOR CONGRESS and EYE OF THE TIGER PAC.
Team Scalise is committed to defending our Conservative House majority and electing Conservatives across the country. Thank you for being a part of our movement.
Contributions to TEAM SCALISE, or any participating committee, are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Contributions from corporations, national banks, labor unions, foreign nationals without “green cards,” and federal government contractors are prohibited. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and employer of each individual who contributes over $200 in a calendar year.