It’s hard to explain what it feels like to turn on the TV or get on social media and see ads attacking your dad with lie after lie.


It’s hard to explain what it feels like to turn on the TV or get on social media and see ads attacking your dad with lie after lie.

When Dad decided to run against Lauren Boebert in 2022, my parents tried to warn my sister and me what would happen. It’s one thing to imagine what it’ll feel like; it’s another to experience it. Especially when the attacks got really, really nasty.

My dad, Adam Frisch, barely lost in 2022 to Lauren Boebert. It was just 546 votes. I really thought he might pull it off when things went to a recount. But unfortunately, we lost in the closest race in the country.

Now, Dad’s scared off Boebert – and I know he’s going to win this seat in 2024. But the Super PAC attacks have already started…

His campaign has set a goal of raising another $10,000 before midnight tonight, and I wanted to send an email to see if you could chip in to help Dad win this critical seat.

It means a lot to our entire family that people like you have got his back. So if you can, make a donation now to my dad Adam Frisch’s campaign and help win this critical seat.

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Dad and I have already started driving our pickup truck around the district again to meet with voters.

He cares so much about our state and our district. I know he’ll be an incredible congressman.

