Dear John,
Please join us today for the latest webinar in our Fighting Hate from Home series — an insider’s explanation from Oded Gal, Zoom’s Chief Product Officer, about how to keep your online community safe during videoconferences by blocking trolls and extremists.
With most people working from home due to the COVID-19 outbreak, ADL has documented a new trend in which online trolls, including some extremists, are hacking into Zoom meetings and participating in what is called “Zoombombing.” ADL’s Center on Extremism has documented at least 80 such incidents over the last few weeks. And there is increasing evidence that Zoombombing attacks are being coordinated or encouraged on a range of mainstream and fringe online platforms.
I’ll talk with Oded about how to avoid Zoombombing, and how you can use the new security features Zoom has just rolled out to promote safe videoconferencing for your family, organization or business.
Helpful ADL Resources on Online Safety
We look forward to having you join us this afternoon to learn more about how to Fight Hate from Home.
Sincerely, |
Jonathan Greenblatt |
CEO and National Director |